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I wouldn't mind seeing a Haley3, but I think it should wait a little longer. Although I just found out something risky... apparently the currently active members of the Storm Division are Stryker, Sloan and Constance Blaize. Kinda tempting to build something fluffy around those three...

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Well, after looking over what I want to do and what Stryker3's theme force is, I think I'll be doing that one, lol. Then we'll look at Sloan as a third. I love following the fluff, to be honest, especially in this game. Here's hoping for an eSloan with Widowmakers now. :) Have a good night, sleep well!

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Short rundown:


UCM is the Jack of All Trades faction. They've got mid range stats all around, although their offensive abilities will definitely hurt. They do tend to be a little cheaper points wise item to item, and their Rapier AAs are truly obnoxious because they've got a long range and the ability to move around some on their own.


Scourge is the glass cannon. Quick, lightly armored, short ranged, hit like a ton of bricks when they get there. They tend to favor overwhelming numbers and their speed is top notch. Personally, I love the playstyle of the Scourge, there's some neat stuff you can do with them.


PHR is the Anvil. Hits really hard, hard to remove (their standard walkers have two wounds, unlike everyone else who has one on their tanks). However, they are by far the slowest in the game, and they rely on their dropships more than anyone else. Very much an elite army, you'll usually be outnumbered but can easily fight it out.


Shaltari are an odd combination of the Glass Cannon and the Anvil. Their skimmers are slower than the Scourge, and don't hit as hard, but they've got a longer range. Their walkers are tougher than the PHR, but also a lot more expensive. They also tend to be a little more complicated because of the way their Gate transports work, but it's nothing insurmountable, just a few extra rules.


Now, that being said... PHR are, visually and fluff, my favorite bar none. They've gotten some stuff recently (the Type 3 walkers, Apollo and Erebus) that speeds them up, but those are still a bit rare. Scourge are the closest to match my playstyle because I love being able to outmaneuver my opponent, so they work well.

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There's one variant of the Kingmaker Tournament rules that I hope to see at Gencon, which is basically an achievement league. There's a set amount of time, you get points for playing/winning games (based on number of players) and then specific one time achievements for things like playing multiple faction decks, scoring a certain amount, getting a certain number of territories and so on.

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