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Hm. I'm not really sure how to answer that on the two starter thing. On the one hand, yes, it gets you more models that you're most likely going to use, especially the Rapiers (the AA tanks). After that, it's playstyle and what you want to do. Personally, after I have a set of infantry in APCs, I then take them and start mounting them in the light transports, so the extra APCs just kinda sit there. But I can't see it being a bad idea to have those options at the start. Would still recommend that short list I gave you, though, just because you'll need the Kodiak for an HQ choice and the Wolverines will let the Kodiak be useful.

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Well, the other one Siege has is Mage Sight, lol. Which Kraye also has, for...reasons? O.o I think if I was going to go for a ranged emphasis, I'd probably do Kraye and do a highly mobile warjack force. Defenders, Hunters, plus a few others. Only thing that sucks about him is that Allison would be useless there because of the battlegroup spells, otherwise he's going to be running fairly hot on the Focus from looking over his spell list.

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No? They're more than a little ridiculous. Defensive line, so they're 13/16 with five wounds each, Tough, Fearless, Pathfinder on the Charge, immune to Knockdown, 360 LoS. Then they have Weaponmaster, Reach, and they can Backswing (two attacks each) at MAT 8, Pow 12. And if they're swinging at a jack or a warbeast, they get to choose the column/branch they damage. All for five points.

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