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Also might be able to try (or at least watch) a game of War & Conquest tomorrow...which has a version still being tested for fantasy. Being the cheapskate that I am, I love finding new games that I can use existing minis for.


Apparently it is effectively a rewrite of Warhammer Ancient Battles, which seems to be a well regarded ruleset.


Let us know how that goes, sounds interesting.

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All kinds of screwed up on the sleep, but eh. I survived it well enough, lol. Played a demo game, Sorscha vs Kaelyssa, which ended with two of my jacks dead and Sorscha with a few Runebolt Cannon rounds in her head... word to the wise- if you can shoot the Retribution caster with your hand cannon, she can hit you with her RoF 3 hand cannon, lol. After that, got in a horribly failed game of Exulon Thexus against the Butcher alt battlebox. I almost pulled it off, but I forgot to spend the Focus to stand the Wrecker up from getting Headbutted. >.< Oh well, lol. How was yours?

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Yeah. It's been fun playing again. I've been sticking to Kaelyssa, as people are still sticking to Battlebox levels for now. But once I get my Monstrosities, I'll try out Thexus some more, even without the Agitators, lol. Looking forward to hitting 35 points and running scenarios, though.

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Honestly, some of the casters I really enjoy the idea of really only work at 50 points. Mordikaar and...feth, I can't remember her name. >.> (snaps fingers) Issyria! Anyway, both of those really only come into their own at 50. Issyria because she's got no offensive options whatsoever and entirely depends on infantry to do her work. Mordikaar only benefits infantry for his spells, feat and abilities, but he needs more than a few warbeasts to get his Fury level right. On the other hand, Ashlynn seems to only be really competent up to 35 for the moment, lol. So that's an argument in favor of sticking with the lower points.

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Yeah. I think that Warmachine is one of those games that really benefits from jumping around point levels. I do, however, want to do a massive three caster brawl sometime with Retribution, lol. Kaelyssa, Garryth and Issyria, or maybe switch out Garryth for Ravyn. Granted, that's 150 points, lol. Long, long time before we get to that, but it'd be epic!

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Naw, for the time being my Retribution can throw down a fairly competent 35 point list for Kaelyssa or Garryth, since both of those could really care less about their supporting army elements, lol. I think Mercenaries are going to be the next on deck for getting upwards on the point cost. Ashlynn and Cephalyx.

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