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I read through Allison's short story in Rites of Passage, and she's got an Ironclad in there named Bunker. I kinda want to try doing a diorama piece for the two of them, but I'd want to convert Bunker somewhat. His big moment of awesome involves taking a ton of punishment from a Protectorate Colossal, and I think it'd be very appropriate for him to be braced as if he's taking a blow, and Rowdy's legs look like the right pose for that.

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Yeah, I'd want to kitbash it with the regular plastic Ironclad though. Bunker is awesome, but Rowdy's got too many special gubbins for me to take off, so I'm thinking of bitz ordering Rowdy's legs and lower torso, then grabbing the plastic kit and going from there.


I'm doing pretty good, all told. There's apparently an audit at work today, and I found out last night. Good job folks on telling third. >.> Anyway, I'm not here for it, so I don't care all that much, lol.


How are you?

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Yeah, I wasn't sure if Rowdy would be in there, but he is. No idea on the cost, it'll be a month or more before I can mess with it. I'm thinking Allison and Bunker standing back to back. The standard model for Allison has her shooting her pistol, so use her fighting some Menite infantry, maybe zealots. Not sure if I want Bunker facing off against something, or put that at the back end of the diorama so that it implies an enemy 'offscreen' so to speak.


Oof, I'm sorry. Did you get that machine running that you mentioned a while back?

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Yeah. Rites of Passage was great, they did a great job fleshing out all the journeyman warcasters. Even the Cryx one was interesting, which surprised me. Although not as much as the fact that at the end of the Menoth story, I liked Servath Reznik as a character. He always struck me as just 'lulz, evil executioner' for the Protectorate, and his process as Tristan's mentor was actually really complex. Definitely made him much more interesting.

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