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Nope. Hell, some of the veteran warmachine players while it was still going on never had a single painted model ever, they sorta sneered at that side of the hobby. And the warhammer players... lol. Well, they were basically as bad. The only tournaments that had painting requirements were big things, like Grand Tournaments or convention ones.

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The Warhammer Fantasy community was pretty strict, and as that was my main game for years I grew up with that..... I remember the Warmachine community were very much like you described, but as the main driving force behind the community now is one of the fantasy players that was trained but us old school he is bringing in a lot of those rules too.....


I do like to see nicely painted armies fighting over nice terrain.

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Oh, aye. But compared to some of the color schemes I had later, it wasn't all that impressive. Still, I liked it well enough, if I ever do Menoth again I might tweak it with the new methods I've picked up. But that'll be a long time, honestly. I'm really liking my Retribution, lol.

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Ha, no, doesn't appear to be!


My main limitation at the moment is finances. The kinds of lists I would want to run aren't necessarily cheap. Least expensive would probably be the Amon heavy list, and that's still pricey to get it run right.

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Morning Steam! Yeah, it was quite a bit of fun. First session of Iron Kingdoms Friday night, Guardians of the Galaxy on Saturday and some Warmachine yesterday. How are you?


Amon Ad-Raza is the jack caster for Menoth, people tend to bring a bunch of Dervish's with him. Instead, you bring a good number of heavy 'jacks (the one I just wrote up was a Reckoner, the Fires of Salvation, a Templar and a Vanquisher) along with the full support for them. Feat turn, you get mobility (increased speed), synergy (stacking bonus for every member of Amon's battlegroup that hits with an attack, to a total of +5 to hit and +5 to damage for this version) and immunity to free strikes (from the feat). Then it's just get the Synergy chain moving, and smash the caster in the head.

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