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It was alright. Got one of the freelance projects done and away, and picked up another one for the contract. Brings me to five projects, one done, two mostly done, one halfway, and one to start. Still, managing good time on it all. How was yours?

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Nashcon was fun. Bought more stuff than I should have- another 15mm Mighty Armies set (Wolfen this time- I like Sandra Garrity's sculpting style, what can I say?), over a pound of Iron Wind Metals casts of various stuff (not sure what I will do with a lot of it, but it was a pretty good deal), and a small Epic 40k force because the girlfriend begged asked nicely (Spehss Mehreens). Lastly, I got 5 GW Ogres for 5 bucks- I'm going to use them as a Standard, Shaman, and Berserker Braves Troop in Kings of War.


Full recap here. Short versions below:


Tiny Epic- Like RPGs? Like the idea of having a single session friendly one? Get this. Girlfriend did not have positive RPG experiences until this one. It's a deck of character generating cards plus a few rulebooks- as an example, the Player's Guide is about 32 pages.

GASLIGHT- Jury's still out, but the rules are fast and flexible. Move is single stat + d6", vehicle activation and combat require rolling under a target number on a d20, which might have modifiers depending. They have crit charts, but so far that's my only grumble about the system, and this is one for people who want tabletop adventures (it can be a light minis-based RPG, too), not competitive powergamers.

Miskatonic School for Girls- great theme, good art, game itself was "meh." It relies a lot on luck, and unlike Quarriors (which seems to be every gaming snob's favorite whipping boy at the moment) you don't get the tactile fun of rolling lots of dice. Basically try to stack your deck with good, your foes' decks with bad, and hope yours does better. 2 players it's not really fun; it's probably not too bad with 4. Definitely not a competitive game, though it does have more decision making than Talisman.


Also had a successful Dreadball demo. I feel like I'mstarting to understand how offense works- now I just have to come up with a better defense than "put guys on the scoring hexes and hope for the best."

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