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Nope. They never got back to me. Oh well, not like I needed to get into another game. If they ever put out a Batwoman or Batgirl set of models, I'll give them another look.


Ooo. What'd you buy?


Reminds me, I have a backerkit to fill out for Guildball...

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No kidding. I wonder if it's as bad as my eKreoss Tier List I ran. That thing was ugly, I only ran it twice, it was that overpowering for anyone not expecting it.


So, thought at all about what you want to do with Illinois Ford in future sessions?

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I've had a few. Been posting them up in the Through the Breach section, as part of the character journal. Think I'm gonna wander over to Dabbler and Wastrel for a while... Wastrel gives a ton of card manipulation tricks, which could be a lot of fun with Felix. A close combat gambler is an interesting idea. Dabbler is just natural, of course, for being a mage, lol.

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Oh, was gonna mention that you might want to look at Overseer for Illinois, if you want to stick with being a skillful character. Being able to hand out buffs like Overseer gives you makes skillful characters a lot of fun. My Crime Lord in the last Star Wars campaign was awesome like that.

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