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Who knows, lol. The problem is that the people I'm most interested in playing any of these games with have a hard time getting out to the shop, so it's hard to arrange anything, really. We're gonna try to get in some Malifaux soon, maybe some Warmachine after that. Right now, my Ashlynn list is pretty low on the priority list. Although I will say, Alt. Ashlynn is damn pretty, and only four pieces, which I find impressive.

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I've ordered his themed crew. So, Hamelin, ratcatchers, obedient wretch, nix, stolen... I've got three Malifaux Rats, and then I ordered two sets of the Reaper Bones Giant Rats. Figure they'll work well enough until the plastic rats/rat kings come out, and I've been curious about the quality of the Bones stuff anyway. Plus a bunch of Secret Weapon Miniatures sewer bases. I was going to do a mix of different bases, but eh. That was getting a little too expensive in a short time, lol.

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I've got Crooligans, Kade and Candy too. My three current Crooligans will be going to Hamelin, Molly will be getting the plastic ones once those come out. Kade and Candy will be sticking with 'Dora, though. Kade is interesting, but Candy is really just too much support to add to a support heavy crew. I still want to figure out a good heavy hitter, but for now I'll just see if stacking crap tons of Blight and Bleeding Disease does the same thing, lol.

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