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Off Topic Playground

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She's one of the very first models Privateer Press ever did, back in the Iron Kingdoms days, along with Rutger Shaw and a few others. Unfortunately, her artwork and her model have greatly diverged over the years, and I want to see if I can manage to come up with something better. Here's the original model:





At one point in time, I considered using the female member of the Black 13th, which does work well, but I think the new Eiryss with a weapon swap would do better.

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Got club Saturday?


And you're right, I might! It may in fact happen... I do know that I want to convert up a bunch of the models, like the 'jacks. The gun mages are going to be in Amethyst Rose colors, so they'll stand out easily enough. Might add some scarring and such to the Vanguards, along with some baggage on them of some kind. No idea on what to do with the Knights, though...

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Heh, I'd hope people would like it, it's just that PP has some fairly strict rules for conversions last I bothered to check.


Oh, that's awesome! Sounds like a lot of fun.


By the by, while I remember, Mako is trying to get some people together for a chat end of the week, wanted me to ask you about it. I believe it would be Sunday afternoon your time?

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