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Off Topic Playground

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Heh, love the It's a Trap shirt.


I just noticed a KS for a game that is basically a tabletop version of a fighting game. Looks interesting, though I think they should consider making each miniature a different color, or perhaps offering a "lite" version with cardboard pawns for those who don't want to paint figures. Only complaint so far is that the female characters are all wearing stuff that's a bit ridiculous to fight in (one or two fanservice-y characters of each gender are fine, having all of one gender and few or none of the other that way is a bit unfair).

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Yep! That's the one. It's so much nicer than the original one, I have to say, because it gives up the arms akimbo look. I also grabbed a Classic Nomad to use with Rutger Shaw. Might see about switching the sword for a hammer, I think that's what his Nomad has in the story. Thinking about doing a conversion of some kind for the gun mage Taryn.

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