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Off Topic Playground

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Yeah. I'm doing a full army with them as a long term project. I picked up a Leviathan Mortis, and some of the Dreamforge infantry to add as Regimental Support to the company of troops I'm getting. I'll be adding a couple artillery pieces to it as well, and make a good sized force that can work with multiple game types, whether 40k, Raging Heroes, DUST, Warpath or Ruined Planet from Wyrd.

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Looks like it's Hammer Time for someone, Shaper (you were all thinking it :P)


I got a couple of metal Bog Trogs for gift season last year. I'm going to use them with my Bones reptiles in a "Reptile Alliance" Song of Blades and Heroes warband. Other than that the only Warmahordes minis in our place are the Fenris set that the girlfriend got from the ex. Need to find a buyer- nice minis but I don't really have use for them.


Guild Ball looks tempting, but I have to resist. Maybe singles of Siren and Cosset to give me incentive to get good at painting, plus a mascot or two just for fun.


It's harder resisting Dreadball Xtreme, too. If I get just the stuff I really want (the new Asterian Kalyshi team, Brickbat, Kailasa, Weiss aka officially licensed Speedball guy, and hard copy + digital rulebooks for Season 4), that's $43 right there. We're just now getting beyond the most basic rules of the game so I have plenty without getting into Xtreme.


I did back 3 copies of micro-game Province, for a total of $15 (and two of those are gifts) a few days ago. I don't think that counts as "falling off the wagon" though. I can bring my lunch for a couple of days and pay for that.


Work was closed yesterday. I don't like working from home unless it's really slow- too many distractions.

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Oh, holding onto the many sets of reins my life seems to have.

And realising several of the horses are attached to someone else's chariot.

Other than that, not too bad. Been doing a little painting, a not so little sculpting (a biggle sculpting?)

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