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The problem from a competitive stance is that Hordes is on a lower tier than the rest of the game. Too many abilities that only affect Warlocks and Beasts, while Warcasters will have abilities that affect both types of leaders and both 'jacks and beasts. For comparison, I give you Mohsar and Razhem. Mohsar in a Hordes only meta is pretty strong, but his feat is completely useless against Warmachine, as are a few of his signature spells. Razhem, however, has his feat specifically say that he affects both Warcasters and Warlocks.

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Today is the release date. Audible got it to me about an hour ago. So far, it's very good. The prologue is from Jasnah's perspective...I really like her, lol.


Glad to hear that work isn't too bad so far. Unfortunately, Murphy seems to be visiting me instead.

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Everything going wrong, lol. Nothing is working the way it's supposed to. (sigh) Oh well. I'll live.


I am indeed. Chipped in for Mason, Fishermen and Mortician at the moment. Hoping that the Alchemists aren't amazing, but considering how good the quality of the rest are... >.>

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