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Off Topic Playground

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Ugh. >.< The night needs to end soon. The damn machine is freaking out, which means it's taking a ton of time to run simple things. I should be done with all this work by now, but no... >.> Also, I found out that I almost forgot about a deadline, lol. Luckily, it's almost, so I should be able to get it done in time.


On the upside, Words of Radiance is out today. How are you?

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Heh. I'm looking at Mortician's, Masons and Fishermen. We'll see what the Alchemists look like, but I can safely pass on the Butcher and Brewers. (I wonder if they'll do Bakers and Candlestick Makers? :P)


And you're totally not chipping in. We completely believe you, Monkey. (nods sagely)


I'm hoping for a Seamstresses guild!

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Work was awful......


But I did get in a Warmachine practice game tonight :D

 tell me about it... I'm glad I'm home from work now...


I ran out of glue putting together my trollbloods so what I'm going to have to do now is keep greenstuffing hair on them since I'm basing them on characters from WoW

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