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Off Topic Playground

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Heh. I'm looking at Mortician's, Masons and Fishermen. We'll see what the Alchemists look like, but I can safely pass on the Butcher and Brewers. (I wonder if they'll do Bakers and Candlestick Makers? :P)


And you're totally not chipping in. We completely believe you, Monkey. (nods sagely)

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Honestly, they just need to make Alexia a warcaster for Mercs at this point, lol. I'd collect that just because it would be awesome. Ever read over the Witchblade Trilogy? Awesome story, and she's a fascinating character... too bad so many of the Thamarites get ignored by the fluff. Well, granted, she isn't one. Still, you know what I mean.


Tier Lists putting a cap on the number of a unit you can bring? O.o That's....odd.

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