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Yeah, my problem is that I'm just competitive enough that a tournament is something relatively serious for me. I think I just need to avoid them, lol. Although I must admit, the 40k 'tourney' version of my Iron Empire would be hilarious against a lot of the lists around here. It'd probably do horrible, but it's so oddball that it'd throw people for a loop.

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Also, I think I'm going to be getting one of the Dreamforge titans while they're on sale... debating on a weapon arm to snag with a Mortis to theme with my Iron Empire. Do I grab an artillery cannon, or a laser cannon?


I haven't assembled the one I got for my birthday last year at all. I was going to say to check Miniature Market for half-price extra bits, but it looks like they are back up to normal 20% off MSRP. Still, the Mortis is $82.50 if your LGS can't get one for you.


Gonna paint it up like Char Aznable's Zaku II color scheme if I ever get it going :)


There seems to be too much power gaming these days......


The group I went to this past weekend seems to be largely about fun rather than powergaming. One guy shook his head when I said "hey, if you like 40k, by all means, play- I just realized it's not my thing." Well, too bad, posturing tough guy- I've been playing with the guys who run it longer than you have. I'm welcome too.


Honestly, it's not even power gaming that's screwing up the escalation league. When my friend and I wrote the rules for it, the biggest thing we wanted was to be inclusive. Sure there was a prize, but the point was to get an army from nothing to fully painted in five months. There was a little bit of competitive stuff, true, but mostly it was hobby. And now, in the latest ruleset that my friend and I aren't contributing to, even the hobby sides of it have been pushed to be competitive. Not enough to have a simple conversion in a squad, the whole squad has to be converted to get converting points. Basing is scored. Painting is now judged, not just a 'Yay, you got the painting done!' The timetable for each month's painting is shorter. It's just kinda messed up. :/


That sounds even worse than the one 40k escalation league I was in. At least in mine, the only problem was being one of 3 newbies in a group of 10 veterans even though it was supposed to be a "learning league." Oops.


Wish I could tell those guys that they are reinforcing the stereotype of 40k gamers as overcompetitive.


What is with some people? This is a hobby, it's meant to be fun. Being human means putting up with jerks (and on occasion, being one- we're humans, it happens to the best of us) in most aspects of our lives on a daily basis. Why should I have to deal with it during my "happy-fun-escape-the-real-world" time, too?


I'm picking up a Wings of Glory starter this week. Fast, fun, pre-painted, and no one takes it too seriously.

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