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Off Topic Playground

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They might make a Dr Manhattan model, but I doubt you'd see him in the game. No way that he wouldn't break it.


Not bad, so far. I picked a character to start writing, and so I'm working on the prologue. It's going to be fairly dark, all around. Not sure about using it as the prologue...other chapters won't be quite nearly as dark as the interludes, but Demon is by far the quickest way to kick things off with a bang.

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Found out about a new game group- it's sort of free-for-all with a few planned events every couple of weeks. Completely private so we can play whatever we want. I demoed Dreadball and got beat in Mighty Armies (and in the latter, learned about balance in special abilities).


I think we're going to play some Kings of War next time, and a couple of the people there play Malifaux, so perhaps I'll get back into that once the Wave 2 cards are in print (I know they are ready now, but I think people would just rather buy the decks to avoid any potential issues of "what's legal").


Oh, and my girlfriend took the initiative to clean some of the junk out of my spare room. I pitched in and got some of it done too...if I had known how little was actually there I would've done it ages ago! It's still not fully clean, but it's much, much better.

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