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I'm okay. Getting through my Friday at work, lol. Kind of a boring night so far, but I should be out of here by 430, so that's a good thing...


Finally got the funding together for the airbrush compressor, piecing together everything that I'm going to need except paints. Going to be cheaper than I expected, which is awesome.

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Dunno, actually. We'll see what I've got for paints and models at home. Probably gonna try to tackle something large first, maybe a Dystopian Wars capital ship, or a 54mm piece. That way I can get used to the technique and such. One thing I'm investing in is liquid mask, which should be very interesting to use...


I'm also tempted to pick up the 70mm Joker from Knight Models and start with that, honestly. >.>

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Oddly enough for me, I think I'm gonna try for a Heroes crew first. Batman, Robin, Nightwing, and then I can grab Talia and Catwoman as villain allies. For villains, I think I'll wait for now... see what the March releases are. With luck, there'll be some interesting ones.

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Yeah. I'm not sure if they're planning on going beyond adding Nite Owl II and Ozymandias, but they might be. I do know that once they get those two out, I'll be buying the whole set. Well. >.> Maybe not Comedian.


Argh, this is annoying. I have never, in my life, had trouble with tenses for writing...and now that I'm starting this superhero project, suddenly my brain keeps drifting into present tense. Pain in the ass correcting it, too. :P

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