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Um. At the moment? Nothing, lol. Been chatting with a friend and reading over masterminis fabulous and fascinating analysis of GW since the year 2000. In a couple hours, it should be well along past the minimum word count and still moving. Unless Elle decides to abandon me. :-P Still, don't expect that to happen, if nothing else she's excited about the ending and wants to get there as much as I do.

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If you're interested in checking it out- The Future of Games Days & Games Workshop: Part 1 It's long, at nine parts now, but still, very interesting to look it all over from the perspective of both a hobbyist and a business person.

The weekend was pretty good. Got the Student of Conflict and both Viks assembled. There's some growing interest in M2e again, from people who were tired of the complexity of individual models in 1.5, so that's encouraging. Sadly no gaming of my own, but that's okay, I got out of the house and had a good(ish) time.

How was yours?

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