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Off Topic Playground

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Yeah. Personally, I don't mind delays, so long as I know what's going on. What drives me nuts is the people who demand updates, one shows up with whatever happened to cause the delay, and then those same people start whining and complaining about how the company should have seen things coming...including lots of things that the company has no control over. (rolls eyes)

Anyway... so, going to try to paint anything else while you're on vacation?

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Um. Not really. Tackling the Lilith box for the moment just because it's got a lot of small little things that I do want to paint, but there's nothing really calling my name at the moment. More interested in writing of late, starting to do some research again for the scifi heist story I started months back. I want to see if I can polish that up and finish it and see if Asimov would pick it up.

---------- Post added at 02:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 AM ----------

Which Kingdom Death piece?

Reminds me, I need to find out when that stuff is coming out, I wanted to grab the Flower Knight and paint it up...

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