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Off Topic Playground

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Pretty good so far. We've got two pretty diverse groups between the two I'm running so far. Both are mercenary companies, which gives me a lot of options for running lots of different kinds of adventures. In the Friday group, we've got a Nyss Sorceress/Urban Nomad (she's got a degree in parkour, which should be fun seeing her use with warjacks), a Trollkin Alchemist/Field Mechanik (played more of a mad scientist), an ex-Cygnar Trencher/Rifleman (who is the group leader and has nominated the Buccaneer warjack the group treasurer), a Gun Mage/Highwayman from Llael, and a Spy/Pirate from Ord. It's going to be a little nuts...

As for the Saturday group, we've got bow as a Nyss Explorer/Alchemist, Mako is an exiled Iosan noble, using Sorcerer/Cutthroat, and Webmonkey is a Menite Field Mechanik/Warcaster.

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