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Actually, it came up as my brother was debating using a spring loaded dagger or a sword cane with his gun mage/highwayman. He asked what the difference was and I just said 'Presentation'. Which is why I now need to make a villain in every RPG I run who is basically a gentleman version of Tarquin.

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I had chocolate and things, cos my parents worked for confectioners. Actual chocolate, not the horrendous monstrosity of Hershey's lol

---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 AM ----------

I say confectioners, but I mean Terry's, Rowntree's, and Nestlé. Lol

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Woah. O.o I don't think I've ever had actual chocolate, now that I think of it...

So, found what is a surprisingly good piece of fanfic for 40k...absolutely blows the canon fluff out of the water, but the concept is good, and the writing is pretty decent. Plus, I love this one line:

A human. A human was helping her. She could tell, by the caliber of the rounds. All brute force, no understanding of the harmony of a battle. Not made to end the battle right, but to end the battle now.

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

Woah. O.o I don't think I've ever had actual chocolate, now that I think of it...

So, found what is a surprisingly good piece of fanfic for 40k...absolutely blows the canon fluff out of the water, but the concept is good, and the writing is pretty decent. Plus, I love this one line:

A human. A human was helping her. She could tell, by the caliber of the rounds. All brute force, no understanding of the harmony of a battle. Not made to end the battle right, but to end the battle now.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

Damn you internet... stupid double post. :-P

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Not sure if it's behaving...more like trying to mimic some fairly scary ideas of how to teach people to be an assassin. Here, take a look, it's short so far:

The sound of the shot filled the air, shortly followed by a scream.

"Again!" the Witch Hunter ordered.

Victor dropped the gun, stumbling away from it and shaking his head. "I-I can't..." he muttered.

"Not good enough," the Hunter snapped. "You want to be a Hunter, this is what it means!" He picked up the bloody remains of the pig, throwing it at Victor's feet. "You kill. Without hesitation, without remorse. You came to us, remember? You proved yourself a killer before you did. That's why you got that nice little star on your lapel. Well, I don't give a damn that you could kill there. As a Hunter, you're going to need to kill again. Not as part of a squad, where who knows who got the killshot. You, alone, by yourself. I don't care how you do it. Pistol, knife, rifle. Doesn't matter. If you're not prepared to kill, you're going to die."

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

Also, Schlock is hilarious today. This is going to end fantastic...

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