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Honestly, I find it interesting that you chose to go that route with it, just from the perspective of what draws the eye. I would've gone with a darker color, just to keep the hats from drawing too much attention. But then, I also take a very different approach than you to just about anything, lol. Why'd you decide to do that?

---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 AM ----------

Oh hey, I have to submit for Reading Excuses tonight... need to remember how to do that... >.>

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Cause all good guys wear white hats....

Oh hell no they don't, lol. Ever seen Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? Only one dude in that show wears a white hat- Solf J. Kimblee. Who takes the solid gold prize for most convincing psychopath with a morality system that's just off from baseline humanity. (shudder) Granted, me being me, I loved that character, lol.

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Ah, that's too bad. Kinda figured you'd say that, though, just cause of when you do your gaming. Speaking of, did you have club this weekend?

---------- Post added at 02:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 AM ----------

I also have to admit, I want his suit.


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For the Friday night campaign, yeah. Probably going to kick that off in September. I also would like to run one with the OTTers too, enough of you seemed interested in it. And, for special one shot crazy adventures, I could bring the two groups together and have one large group of all the characters on Oovoo for a Saturday night of exceptional crazy.

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