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No, so far only the big fence. I'm debating on adding a little rusting to the models; the judges weapon, her boot plates and the marshals chains. Just for extra age. Or should they be clean?

Maybe just a light touch of ageing on them would look right

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That was my original thinking. Plus, it's a nicer contrast. Fresh blood and gleaming metal, in a dusty, charred, rusted out ruin. They'll get some grime on them which should be enough.

I'm starting to second and third guess myself, which is never a good sign!

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Well, there is that too. But, considering the convention exclusives I know about, I probably would have passed anyway. The Druid Gone Wilder beer advertisement tshirt was funny... as a model, it's...I dunno. Annoying I guess, cause it turned out such a better sculpt than the regular Wilder, but it's very fanservicey. And the Khador one is all about fanservice.

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