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Yeah...been there. Still need to finish it, but Elle got all excited about writing out of nowhere, and I'm hardly about to discourage her.

I think part of why I don't pay attention to color schemes is because I want to make it something of my own...even with my Death Korps Assault Brigade list, I'm mucking about with the fluff along with the models. Using the Iron Empire stuff means I'll have a lot of female models, and, oddly enough, I was ending up with the male models being things very Siege Brigade things. The Engineers and the Artillery crews, for example. So, I decided that it's a combined arms regiment, but gender segregated. The female troopers are all the more aggressively trained Assault Brigade forces, while the male troopers make up the more patient and methodical Siege units.

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I know that reality is pulling back what I'm going to be able to afford to do...I'm aiming to get my entire command squad (aside from the two veterans, the unit is going to be all heroes) and after that, we'll see what I have left... If I had all the money I wanted, I could get literally all of my infantry for the list in one go, but that's not really realistic.

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