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Thankfully, I don't think anyone here is expecting any easy win. They just really really REALLY like to win, and get upset when the cards don't go the way they want them to.

One of my favorite things about Malifaux is how many people are willing to play different masters, even if they know that they don't have an easy button.

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I'm probably so annoying to those kinds of players, because when the cards go against me I start giggling. And when the cards go against them too. I can never bring myself to take it seriously or really care about the end result, it's about the laugh. I'd be rubbish in tournaments...

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Provided something funny and/or wildly lucky happens, I laugh whichever side it's on. Te only time I don't have fun is when someone takes it really seriously and I basically end up sat there while they power game me off the table. If they don't see to be having fun unless everything is in their favour, I lose interest fast.

Blast, I'm totally out of sync sleeping again. Stupid neighbours decided that 1am last night was the ideal time to put their music (and I use the term loosely!) on full volume. And that when I politely asked them to turn it down a little as I had to get up early and do some work, that was their cue to turn it up so loud the bass came through my earplugs...

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Grey Knights really are...they used to be a lot of fun, if really hard, but now they're really boring. I was so excited when they came out, I've always loved the Grey Knights, the Sisters of Battle and the Deathwatch, but it didn't take me long to give up on it because it just wasn't any fun...

I'm sorry Mako, that's no fun at all!

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Gee Mako, your neighbours sound like wonderful people.... least your cat did not manage to turn on the alarm clock at 3;30 too :)

I used to love the Grey knights in the last edition. now they seem to have lost all the flavour....

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

Plus lets face it, hafl the stuff I had painted is either useless or no longer in the list :(

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Wait, they managed to take all the fun out of the grey knights? Wow, that's almost a skill...

Yeah, I think I'll be trying to move to a new place when the contract for here is up, this place is a pain at times. If a cat did that last night, I think I'd have thrown it at my neighbour. Maybe one or the other would learn from the experience! *grin*

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Still not heard the final price on the roof. Getting pretty annoyed with the agent, I'm paying them to look after the place and they aren't getting on with things or keeping enough of an eye on the flat. I might have to change agent if they don't sort themselves out.

All in all, I've not had a great year really since I came to Canada!

The chaos a cat that's been in a box shipped here would cause will be hilarious! It's like Schrödinger's cat, alive or dead you shut it in a box and it's going to be really mad...

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Sweet I will package up my cat and send her over *grin*

She is an evil genius and will quickly sort out your neighbours.....

Now I'm just imagining someone opening a box, and inside is a cat with a red beret and shades, smoking a cigarette.

Cat: "If anyone asks, I was never here. Oh, and I trust you have my advanced payment prepared in unmarked bills. Now what's this about a neighbor problem?"

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The stuff of shiny from Wyrd... definitely a reason to make it to Gencon.

You know you and Shine could get out of Toronto by coming down to Erie for a day of gaming sometime! *wink*

Heh, I love that image there, Setoth!

---------- Post added at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 AM ----------

Woot, actually got some writing done! Now on to that list of countries, maybe I can knock that out too...

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Monkey, your new task is to get a cat sized beret. And somehow make your cat wear it...

Apparently Thursday last week they were expecting to ear back for mature roofing contractor about the final cost. I'm not sure if they're being messed about or whether they just aren't bothering to get on with it, but I'm going to be telling them I'm not happy once they finally fix the blasted roof problem. No sense starting trouble before that's under way!

Shiny Wyrd toys, new book, who knows maybe some DzC (eep)...

---------- Post added at 07:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 AM ----------

Good writing Ed, I like his unhappiness at resorting to underhanded tactics to avoid having the uncivilised oafs waste the hunt!

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