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Oh, the whole thing should be fun, I'm betting, lol. I've never done a con before, only the odd ren faire, so it'll be all new and shiny. Hotel situation is the one that I'm concerned about... if I can make reservations without needing to pay right away, should be good, but I don't know if I need to have my badge and the money up front... >.>

---------- Post added at 11:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ----------

So, aside from the car, how was your weekend?

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My weekend was pretty good. :D

Saturday was my first official event as a Henchman. 6 Players in total and got acquainted with another guy who has 3 more players as well. Woot woot!

Also I finished my lame ass "29" conversion and built/primed some Bushido figures on Sunday.

Also I got Yan Lo on Friday! Played my first game with him on Saturday and loooooooved it. :D

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He went in close to summon his zombies. Unfortunately placed them close enough for 'Dora to Incite/Pacify them. She dove. She dove hard. Nailed one with that negative twist spell on WP duels (on a MZ) and then nuked Nicodem with the three linked Sorrows up close.

Ironically the last wound suffered was dealt by Nico himself. I guess he doesn't like himself too much.

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Other game I tested Yan Lo out against a Lady J crew. Yan Lo is a beast. Ashigaru are damn good for 4 SS models and Chiaki + Soul Porter is just downright nasty together.

You move her out of range of your wounded models to cause some mayhem or to better place the Soul Porter and then activate the Soul Porter to toss out a Lo spell and then push the lady back to her spot to heal unactivated models.

Yan Lo. <3

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I was forced to play a 25SS game. So no room for Izamu. D:

I also liked using my Convict Gunslinger. She can seriously kick ass with all the shots that she has. Was a shame that the time I did have the ability to use her trigger to shoot again, my opponent had a 13 on his draw. :s

Did knock off 7 Hp of Lady J though in one turn. So it all turns out well and nice.

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I like the Gunslinger well enough...just not a fan of any of the models, so I don't plan to include one at any point... The kind of proxies that I like aren't okay for Wyrd official tournies... >.>

---------- Post added at 01:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------

And did the Gunslinger take off the 7 HP?

Oh, and Izamu works really well in 25SS for killing things...my 25SS list was Izamu, Chiaki, Soul Porter and 2 Ashigaru...left me with only 2 stones for my cache after chi, but it worked really well. Izamu did most of the work, lol.

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Woo, evening all! Just got in from Shine's dead of winter, had hilarity with playing a turn hand face down, especially when ikiryo died and one of my cards I discarded was the red joker!

And having a crew picked with gaki, night terrors, onryo, lost love and no seishin... Worked surprisingly well to bolt up the field and when it was called during turn two I'd got two plant evidence points, three models were on my staked claim, and I was two activations away from breakthrough (with Kirai in his deployment) and getting a third plant evidence.

Managed to scrape in first place this week by doing the sillier achievements and picking my schemes, didn't win a game to do it either!

How's everyone else?

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I'm doing pretty good, actually. How're you Mako? Congrats on the first place! Did you get anything? And how many other players?

By the by, in case you missed it, you have a message with some maths...that might actually be wrong because I forgot a day. (shrug)

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Heh, maths is always wrong! It looks...pricey but not insane, and I reckon I can afford it provided I don't have a bank related incident in the meantime lol.

Cheers, there were five of us there and I got some store credit to use as I see fit. Trying to work out what to get with it, it's not enough for a box set but might be for izamu (oh, so tempting... But that brawl crew will be $50 to get the rest of so maybe I should do that).

Oh, and in my first game I was mask starved so I had lost love punch Kirai to kill her, saved me from being immobile!

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...man. I knew Kirai was easy to kill...but that's impressive that Lost Love pulled it off. Does he even have a weapon?!

And yeah, that was what I was thinking on the math. Nine months to set aside money, should be manageable, especially since it's not like that amount is per person! More a guesstimate (...O.o according to my computer that's a real word...?) on the whole of the trip for everyone involved. We just need to lock down some numbers of people for the time being.

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Yeah. He didn't use any of his soul stones. So freebies are always good. I also had a 7 Defense spirit Yan Lo waiting to do some pounding on Lady J as well. BUt he kept out of the fray with her and cast that (all) spell of hers (Restore Natural Order)??? Kind of killed off my three Ashigaru in three rounds.

Grats Mako!

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(headdesk) I don't want to spend the rest of the night working on this board... >.>

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 AM ----------

I completely forgot about that power...we don't have a regular Guild player, so Lady J tends to stay in hiding. Impressively done on the part of the Gunslinger, though! And poor Ashigaru...

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