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Yay, Con Crud is finally sinking in...I feel pretty worn out and sniffly.

Haven't been touching my minis lately...that last FRPGames order (that finally arrived due to a communication issue that was partially my fault) came in last week. Now that Through the Breach is done, I am hoping to make this my last set of purchases for a while. I have tons of stuff to work on.

GF is sick and has 3 cats now, two of which are very stomach sick. So that's been a lot of the past several days (it's as if her ex husband got them sick on purpose, the low-life...). Two have minor health issues to begin with, so loads of fun there.

Hopefully we can get back to working on our minis soon.

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Oh? What showed up?

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

Well, Izamu went together pretty well...don't like the face that came with him, so trying to figure out something else to do to make the gap in the helmet a little less clean...

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Yeah, 35 stones of fun! Shocking isn't it!

I did pretty good at the start, launched ikiryo into a wastrel then used the ikiryo to catapult Datsue ba (no escape is fun and doesn't specify enemy) into a second wastrel, got a gaki and my points for grudge. While McCabe was hurtling around the board I managed to use a shikome to steal relic, then from there I got slowly taken apart despite my best efforts. Eventually he got assassinate done and his scheme for three slowed models dead.

Pretty much, whoever won initiative the last turn would kill my paralysed Kirai, so if I got it the shikome would have done it and hidden back on a rooftop he couldn't reach, but he did and took her out for the last part of his scheme. I think I worked out a few things I haven't used before, first time Datsue ba has spent most of the game on the board!

What you been up to?

Oh, and I gave up and cheered myself up by buying chemicals I shouldn't have...

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Tonight was a lot of cooking and doing some easy school assignments, lol. I also reorganized my case into each piece of foam being Master specific...ish, lol. The Oiran are the jokers in the deck at the moment. Also got Izamu assembled, which was...interesting. Lots of fiddly bits from those arrows.

Sounds like a fun game! And you must be figuring something out if you got use out of the old bat, I never liked her myself. How's sculpting going tonight?

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Ahh, izamu. A classic case of 'look, we can do this and it looks awesome, what do you mean pain in the ass to assemble?' Lol.

Sounds like a good evening though, reorganising is always cathartic.

She actually did good, almost had me needing more gaki models and summoning stuff far away then no escaping to it made her pretty nippy getting to people to try skinning them. Not a stellar performance (probably due to my dire mask drawing skills) but respectable. As ikiryo's angry sidekick she did pretty well at helping brutalise minions.

---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 AM ----------

Oh, and onryo are still epic. Nothing more amusing than cheating a 13 in on the haunt duel and watching the enemy master have to spend his stones to avoid perma-slow.

Wing sculpting is ok, just settling to it. Going to aim to finish them both tonight though its a lot of work. Need to start moulding on weds...

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-_- Way too much little stuff to do tonight...was hoping to get some painting done during downtimes, but that's not happening. Ah well...maybe tomorrow.

I really need to give some serious effort to Onryo when I'm playing Yan Lo, methinks... they sound like so much fun when you mention them, lol.

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Sounds like kind of an annoying night, nothing big to deal with but no actual rest!

Yeah, onryo are great. I don't think I made the best use of them this game, but then I was clustered around the supply wagon I had to move, and McCabe just slowed the lot several times...

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I'm hoping to try out Yan Lo on Thursday. I've got Yan Lo's box, an Onryo, and Izamu... no Punk Zombies, but I think I can wait on them until the Daimyo comes out anyway.

And yeah, definitely an annoying night. Oh well. Maybe I can finish Lost Ways. Did think of a core concept I want to do for the next one...think I'll try one based around the Guild for once. Just not sure who to do as the central character.

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Heh, I doubt I can do a day to day life thing... not the kind of story I'm thinking of doing for fleshing out a character. Although I'll have to consider it for an experiment, I guess. I was more thinking of Guild Guard being sent to arrest someone and a Handler showing up to throw everything off.

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