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Ahh Bleachy they are just my friends. The fat one is called Jeffery, the thin one is called geoffry and the Unicorn is called Jeff. :)

*clicks her fingers and the chococheese is turned into chocolate vodka* there that better?

---------- Post added at 08:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 AM ----------

So bleachy and eddy, either of you support American football?

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Sticks and stones, may break my bones, but forum posters can never hurt me. D:

Or something like that. I think trolls, who live under bridges chant that when they return there to weep. Or so. I dunno.


Cheeeeeese. I wonder what cheese and peanut butter tastes like.

The puppets aren't forum posters, lol. They're puppets.

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I am not really a sportsy guy. Not really my thing. I get bored by watching sports. ._.

Especially Soccer in this country. People praise it to the sky and it is so damned boring.

Football was an interest of mine when I still lived in the states. But grew stale living in Germany, since they do not even give a rat's arse about it here.

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*giggles and pats edonil* there there. :)

---------- Post added at 08:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 AM ----------

RIGHT! im flying off for a few hours now guys, I have a delicious man in my bed and im going to give him lots of cuddles. :) xx ive set the timer on the oven to ten past the cheese so make sure you take out the spoons. okay?? okay. bye bye!! xx

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There is an American Football now? Will wonders never cease.....

(And for the record Ed I knocked the Missus out of Iron Painter, it was a close run thing though)

I remembered you two being paired up and laughing my head off at it. Glad to see no hard feelings over the whole thing!

Ah, nice, Bleach! Like Germany, then?

---------- Post added at 03:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 AM ----------

And see you around, Hazel! Good chatting again. :)

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Um. Got distracted by this story, lol. It'll be done tomorrow, most likely...hopefully the new paints will show up before I do my painting day, I want to try out some of them on the Wastrel.

---------- Post added at 03:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 AM ----------

Yes and no.

Aldo Ed, your PMs are so spammed, I cannot message you. D:

*whisper whisper* :x

...>.> Should probably empty that out some...

Try now.

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