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Ah, the old balancing act of keeping good the side people want to win. I'll have to ponder who's playing clever behind the scenes, see if I can work it out!

I don't have the whole good and evil problem, no one really qualifies as good. Although some are a little less horrible than others *grin*

The plot does meander somewhat, it might be a bit of a problem if I can't get it to lie together properly.

Woo, finally finished the skin on the illuminated, tattoo and everything.

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You did a tattoo on it? That's interesting, what'd you do? And tightening down the plot is for editing, lol. Remember, you're seeing my second draft, my first draft meandered worse than yours.

Good and evil are debatable in a lot of ways with my story... There definitely are those who fall under evil (Exhibit A- Isabella), but Alpha, the Big Bad, is much more of a well intentioned extremist. He has a good point, just what he's willing to justify in order to fix the problem is...well, somewhat terrifying. Kinda similar to a lot of your characters, honestly. Matthias comes to mind, for example.

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Ahh, poor Matthias. He's a bit of a layabout but he really doesn't know when to say 'no, that's going to cost me too much'. Poor guy just gets stuck in a game where the stakes keep getting raised and he doesn't think of walking away!

Although he has far more terrible things to do yet. And he's not the worst (although I can't say any more than that lol).

I did a custom M&SU tattoo, MSU written vertically with the S turned sideways so it joins to the M and the U and looks a bit like a chain, then flanked on each side by parts of a cog. I really got caught up in doing that. Hope it doesn't get covered by the claws of the blob thingy!

---------- Post added at 04:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 AM ----------

Oh, bleep. It almost is hidden...

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Not sure, if and when I get the rail crew they might well get full sleeve tattoos, so they might not match. It isn't fully hidden but you can only see it from below and behind! I'll have to make sure I take a photo before I fit the blob. If I paint his trousers and repair his foot, he'll be ready for the blob to start being fitted so I can photo him and then move on to the blob paintwork. Such a complex model!

I'm not sure I'd say it's entirely ambition, but then I know the rest of the story lol. It starts as a bit of egotism and ambition but that bit at the end of the violent mission is where he starts to realise that he's out of his depth and doesn't know what else to do. When I get round to writing the bits after it it should become clearer I hope!

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Yeah, that one did look a bit crazy. Still, I'm sure you'll manage! How are you painting the blob?

Heh, I have to say, I'll be looking forward to seeing him out of his depth, honestly. That's when you really get an interesting feel for a character, when they're out of options and all that's left is, as Shepard says in Serenity, 'What do you believe?'

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Hopefully I can do justice to the whole process he goes through, its a pretty complex one in some ways, but in others its blindingly simple!

Not sure on the blob honestly, in many ways it should be like HD but I don't want another internal view of a blob to paint, it will spoil HDs cool factor. Maybe doing him as roiling clouds of the plasma type OSL I'll be using would work, with occasional flares of metallic light in there. What do you think?

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I think the plasma OSL would be a good way to do it. Gives a hint of an ethereal nature, and might imply an illusion-like method to the piece. I definitely agree to letting Huggy stand out as unique with the see through nature.

And I'm sure you'll do fine with building that out for Matthias. Your character development has been good so far, after all!

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Thanks, that means a lot to me! But I'm beginning to see how it gets harder and harder to keep characters developing consistently. I know what happens to him, it's just making it happen in a way that works for his personality...

I also know how I want to develop Brosen, he has a few good bits to enjoy and a bit of filler for the world too. But keeping it all as one story is hard work, it almost at times feels like it should be several books! Suppose I could always do more stuff later on lol

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Keep jotting ideas down for different books if they don't seem like they'll fit in well, that's my advice.

As far as characters go, I've got a simple cheat sheet for you about how to do them. It's really simple, but works really well for setting about motivations for a character, which can help with developing them.

1. Who (or what) do you love? What will you go out of your way to save or protect?

2. Who (or what) do you hate? What will you go out of your way to harm or destroy?

3. Why are you here?

They're RPG questions, and they're really pretty basic, but they work really well.

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Does anyone else just want to buy every Malifaux crew? I swear I'm switching between Kaeris, Pandora, Kirai (a modelling project whilst I learn aSonnia) and Jacob. I'm just afraid of buying one and regretting it.

Other than that hi, not been in here before. What's it like? I'm trying to not get sucked into the vacuous TV my flatmates are watching. Reality TV is such a bore!

Duck Dynasty is actually pretty funny- Louisiana swamp folk turned duck calls into a multi-million dollar empire. Suddenly swamp people have lots of money. Hilarity ensues (like trying to make wine in a week's time).

Yeah, I am nowhere near the worst MoFaux junkie here, and I have Lady Justice, Perdita, the Viktorias, Leveticus, Nicodem, Seamus, Rasputina (the only crew painted at all), and Mei Feng. I do own Lilith's alt and the Mysterious Effigy, but I don't play Neverborn.

Also, help yourself to something from the Ale, Guinness, or Cider Monoliths. The puppets are largely harmless, but they do knock things and folks over a lot in their hijinks. Also, beware cake- there's usually a surprise inside resulting in messy clothes...

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