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Dust, try In The Emperor's Name, it's a 40k skirmish game written by a guy I know, it's pretty good and if it doesn't already have a experience system then it'll be very easy to implement one. Played the game a few times and it is easy and fun to play.

I got the rules ages ago and they looked interesting. I liked how it covered everything from Rogue Trader creatures like Ambulls and Zoats to Tau and Necrons. Maybe I can rope some of the 40k players into trying it...

Steak. Steak is always the answer...

See also- Peelander-Z, "S.T.E.A.K."

This is too amazing to not share:


It's like Chicken Boo from Animaniacs with a translator, hahaha.

October 5th, 201X

Can't see this without thinking of Strong Bad- "In the year twenty-exty-six!" (20X6) :-P

Good- Got 3rd in the Malifaux Tournament and Best Painted (pfft).

Bad- Barely won two of my three games (and they were against inexperienced players, no less), and the first game was such a rout it effectively put me out of the running right there. I blogged the details, but let's just say I'm less a fan of Ressers overall right now, but Avatar Nicodem is a lot of fun and the Book 4 models can't arrive soon enough.

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Does anyone else just want to buy every Malifaux crew? I swear I'm switching between Kaeris, Pandora, Kirai (a modelling project whilst I learn aSonnia) and Jacob. I'm just afraid of buying one and regretting it.

Other than that hi, not been in here before. What's it like? I'm trying to not get sucked into the vacuous TV my flatmates are watching. Reality TV is such a bore!

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(waves) Hey Lupus, welcome to the thread. It's pretty nice in here...watch out for the puppets though, they're tricky little buggers and have an interesting opinion of comedy.

Honestly, I've got so many crews at this point it isn't even funny...and that was before Ten Thunders came out and I got a faction where I wanted to play nearly everyone, lol.

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Reality TV makes more sense that what goes on in here at times, but as long as you don't upset the puppets its usually pretty safe!

And this place is full of people with huge painting and project lists so you should be right at home *wink*

Ed, sleep did help when I eventually got some, today was a 2300 word day and tomorrow I start the Cerah arc again...

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Ok, that's just creepy Ed. We gave him the same warning at the same time...

*spooky music plays*

---------- Post added at 11:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 PM ----------

Back away slowly and don't meet their gaze...

Unless you have something to distract them with. And I don't mean me!

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Evening Chocobo, how goes?

Thanks for distracting the puppets. *grin*

Curses, I'm getting ready for bed soon, it 11 here and I'm up early tomorrow

I know 11 isn't realy late, but need my beauty sleep

---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------

I'm not too sure, I think slatey might need a little more training.

*watches him jumping on Chocobo*

Um, a lot more training. But he still has his little bow tie on, that's a start!

And here I thought you trained him to do that

*grabs slatey and uses him as a pillow to sleep on*

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Why do you have to be up early?

(yawn) Why am I tired? Bah...I don't have time to nap right now.

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

Lupus, that Shadow Khan thread was yours? Love the concept of it, hope you manage to pull it off!

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Heh, sounds like a plan. I've just had to redo the pin in the illuminated's foot. His toes weren't up to the task of holding a pin, they snapped off, so now its bent and fitted into his leg to mid shin, along the underside of his shoe, and out his toes. Need to green stuff a bit but it should be basically invisible...

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Slept until work, unfortunately. Now it's time for finishing schoolwork, and that won't take too long, thankfully. Some interesting stuff in the lectures this week, so it's fun this time around.

After that, I've got a scene started up with Soli, so that's good. And I'm trying to work out some more minor antagonists, I've got the majors figured out, but the others who don't have as much influence on the plot are still there and important. Right now I've got Antagonists Alpha and Beta (who are unnamed for now because of spoilers), Isabella, the Blue Devil and Jackal. I want to try to come up with a few more, so that'll be the note making goal of the week I think.

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Aww, no spoilers? I wish I could have done that, I can't help but feel you lost a bit of the drama by reading chapters in the order I wrote them lol.

I have a difficult time working out which of the three you named I like most, they're all quite different but they're also all hilarious and epic...

Wait, work can be fun? Man, I picked the wrong job :-P

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At least you're liking them, so I'll take that as a win! Honestly, it'll be interesting to see if Alpha and Beta come across as likeable as the others, just because the two of them are more hands off political conspirators. Wait. Is it a good thing that my villains are likeable? lol. I will say I'm looking forward to getting Jackal and Zygmunt in the same room, they really don't like each other.

And on the subject of spoilers, you've actually got some hint of stuff on where things are going from Carver, honestly. Which is part of why I stopped updating that story, to limit the spoilers coming from there. But, I do intend to finish that story, so that will be happening at some point!

The trick is to keep Victor, Arias and Soli as more likeable than their counterparts on the other side, though.

---------- Post added at 10:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------

And, to be honest, you've met Alpha and Beta, if you want to try to figure out who they are. If you guess right, I'll be straight with ya!

And don't worry about the spoilers with me, I'm still lost on where the plot is going, lol.

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