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So, Cerah is your Celibate Heroine, eh? That's good, they're all too rare. I'm probably doing the same with Soli and Victor, unless some new character smacks Elle over the head like Kiiva did.

Having them teach Jared what's going on would be a great way to do it, actually. If you want, pull a page out of the GW's Dark Angels fluff- the Deathwing and Ravenwing. You only learn the truth at certain levels, but there's easily identifiable markers so you know who knows things. (For the DA, it's the bone colored robes, for example)

I always hate when muses start pulling that...my advice is to just start making notes of every idea you have, and hope that she latches onto one.

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Cheers monkey. I'm sure it'll work itself out though in the end, things usually do! Just not so much fun in the meantime.

Well, Cerah's not celibate entirely by choice. But she certainly has no personal interest in the people she meets, she's pure cold pro all the way. It's fun to make her the unfeeling job above everything else type. You're right, Jared is basically the perfect tool for that section, he comes back in late on as a young adult so he can be slowly educated over the course of the whole novel.

Poor Sophie, I think I shocked her a bit. I let her have a gentle weekend and she seems to have perked up a little, got some painting done. But she probably won't like the big push next week!

How's everyone else?

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