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The meetings themselves aren't problems, honestly. It depends on the discussions going on, and how you spin it. If you emphasize the hostile nature the Five have towards each other (or create such a situation) it can still be pretty interesting, with people shifting blame or throwing it around, taunting, and other such things. Someone proposing an idea, and someone else muttering about how badly their last one went, for instance.

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Well, they are academics, angry disagreements and arguing is what they do best! I'll keep going with the meetings and raids section until I establish the six, then will make them into the five, and that should set things up for Matthias' wolves.

How's yours going?

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Haven't worked on it this weekend, unfortunately. But, working on a scene now, so that's heading on with things. I'm starting to think that Elle just refuses to cooperate at a pace faster than she likes, lol. Right now, I'm trying to think of a mage name for Ensign Melissa Fel, like Alexis being called Stormhand and Matthias known as Wintertide. Firehair is far too easy, lol. Any suggestions?

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Yeah, from July to November she seems to roll up her sleeves and go at it. The trick is to keep it going this year, lol. Zygmunt will help, I think, and so will Jackal, when I introduce her. It also helps that the main cast is more defined, so I don't have to think as much about what they'd do, and instead just let them do it. And I would hope I have more, I've been at this for four months! Still, I'm betting you'll pass me soon enough, so that's all good.

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Ah well, Cerah comes back in, this bit at the moment is a little longer than I originally planned but the back half of the book will be her again. The problem is, I kind of need this bit in order to have the big drama in Cerah's bit! Once I get Matthias to a certain point, I can swap back to Cerah and go from there onward. Oh, And I need to stick an extra section with her and the temple in before the Matthias stuff. That little tag about Jared and the temple will be her again.

You've given Sophie a nudge to come up with some good ideas for how to fill out the characters of the six more, dale is going to have a whole scene to himself now. Which will probably end with Matthias wanting to punch him! *grin*

Might even do some more after food.

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Sounds like fun! Yeah, the thing that I've been finding is that the more I talk about ideas, whether mine or other folks, Elle seems to perk up and get going. Seems like Sophie is the same way! Glad to see your book progressing so well, it's a fun idea. Although I think I see a bit of an author avatar with Matthias. *wink*

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You wait til things get properly going for him, you'll really get worried about me *wink* he does have a fair bit of my personality in there, but there's other bits I wish I was, some i wish i wasn't, and some I'm glad I'm not!

Muse meetings do seem to help, wonder if they feed off each other or if they compete?

---------- Post added at 02:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ----------

Wait a second, are you suggesting I might be an irresponsible reprobate who borders on illegal now and then, and a reckless obsession with doing what he thinks is right? Lol

Damn, I've been found out....

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I don't know about Sophie, but Elle feeds off the conversation, lol.

Author Avatars aren't necessarily a bad thing. In some ways, a lot of my characters are avatars, if only in personality. The biosynthetics and the 'six feet tall' definitely made me think of you. Is Leonie based on your friend from Thailand, eh?

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Yeah, i suppose the biosynthetics is a dead give away isn't it! Mind you, I've not made it the solution to everything, that just seemed schmaltzy.

Nah, Leonie is based on, well, scraps of about a dozen different girls I know. Never met anyone quite like her unfortunately! And probably a bit of Sophie in there too. (Erk, just the thought that I might be writing a love story between me and my muse... Time for a drink!)

Sophie drinks ideas in like anything, although she is guilty of playing the one-up game at times and leaving me to try and actually make it work. Daft girl...

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Yeah, they're in way over their heads aren't they. I liked his little impassioned speech about the choice that they had to make, I was hoping it would set the tone for their packs development, and it sounds like it's worked!

I'm actually getting quite excited to see the finished draft in full, so I can see how it plays out in its entirety. Mind you, I feel the same about your draft too!

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I'm definitely excited to see where this story ends up. With mine, I think I finally figured out how I want to end it...we'll see if it works. I think I may have to end up writing a scene out of order to keep Elle interested in stuff...I've actually got more ideas on what happens with Zygmunt at the end of the segment than I do in getting there!

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------

And you need to hurry up and send an update, I'm all caught up now!

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Heh, be careful, I got myself totally confused by jumping about scenes! Will be a little while before the next update, I need to write the early stuff for the Six, and the later stuff where it changes to the Five. Which is a lot of words!

---------- Post added at 03:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 AM ----------

And I'm fairly determined that I won't give away the twists by sending bits out of order lol!

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Yah, I didn't have that bit about six in at first, it just kind of developed after I'd written stuff in! I needed a reason to get Matthias' pack into the mess they're in at the end of what you have...

You worked out the Mage name yet? Is it important she has fire in it somehow?

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Lol, he would!

Oh blast, Airheart just came on the mp3, now I can't get past flareheart...

---------- Post added at 04:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 AM ----------

And now I've ended up at sparkwing and blazewind. I don't think I'm going to be much help!

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Heh, always good to have a nickname or two kicking about

I'm still jealous you've got character artwork being done!

---------- Post added at 05:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 AM ----------

And every time I look at my signature I grin *grin*

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Yeah, your signature makes me laugh, lol.

Well, I've been telling her that this is good advertising...I can ask her about commission stuff for you, and let you know what her prices are. She's doing something different with mine just because of the number of drawings/complexity, it doesn't fit in with her normal pricing.

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