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Derailed by homework, lol. Also derailed by needing to do some description stuff for a friend who I commissioned some artwork from for the story. On an upside, really thinking over nailing stuff down for a map actually helped me figure out what to do for my next part of the story. Yay outflanking writer's block.

Honestly, I was always a fan of Circle. Who needs high Armor if they can't connect in the first place? *grin*

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Damn homework getting in the way of fun things ...:)

Look forward to seeing the map and art for your writing too ....

In all honesty none of the warmachine factions really jump out for me, I play Cygnar because I got two starter boxes worth for nothing :) really see it as a good place to try poach Malifaux players....

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Might not be a bad plan, honestly. I really enjoyed my time playing Circle (toyed with getting a small force as an art project to go nuts on) but quit the game because the power imbalance was so bad. Running eKaya, one of Circle's best casters, and running her with the most effective build at the time (triple wolf tier list) and the only way I would have had a chance against an eGaspy list was for my opponent to screw up horribly.

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Ugh. Another weekend of more sleep than anything. :-P Less than thrilled about that, I had stuff I needed to do. Oh well. Could've been worse. It was a lot of fun talking with my friend about all the art stuff on Saturday night, though. Trying to get through my homework reading and just have to plow on through one of the books. Talk about a boring style...the topic is really interesting, but the author is most definitely an academic.

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Hey, no worries. :) There's no rush on it at all. When you find the time, I'll be interested to hear what you think. In the meantime, Elle hasn't abandoned me just yet, lol. And yeah, the world is finally starting to come together, which is great, cause world building isn't my favorite thing. I'm not terrible at it, but it is something which I need to put some more work into being the book would be published.

And yeah, academic texts are dull, lol. It's annoying, because I've seen some of this stuff before and it wasn't this bad the first time around.

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I really enjoyed the entries this time around too. Everyone did a great job, and we're seeing a lot of new and improving writers. Speaking of improving writers, I'm gonna have to post some sort of ALL CAPS note about them so people remember to send 'most improved' to me... it'll be interesting to see what people do in November.

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