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This is my "replacement addiction". I got into the hobby many years as a means to give myself something to do,.. other then go out and get high again. It was an essential tool for me to get sober. And to be honest, I'm still using it that way. If I didn't have this outlet, I'd probably go right back to the drugs again. That's why my wife doesn't even bat an eyelash when I buy a new fig,.. because she knows it's doing some good for me.

Google Stuart Davis' "Only Changing Drugs." I think you might appreciate it.

Also, your wife is awesome for being so understanding- too bad all SOs can't be that way.

Carls Jr is an american burger place that has made its way to NZ.... cause we need more of those....

It's the same thing as Hardee's in the South. It's OK but nothing mindblowing.

Yes, I miss the days when I could go to bed at 4 am every other night and still function.

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Congrats Mako, on the successful(?) experiment!

Just woke up, time to keep writing, lol. Got another 600 words to go. And glad you enjoyed the update, Mako, I was hoping it would come across like that. How's your writing going?

Well, that depends on how you define success lol. I know the rig works, so the fact that the actual plan I had flopped like an overfed seal was fine!i have a negative result, a reason why that might have happened, and at least three plans to weasel round it *grin*

Writing wise, 150 words. But I'll catch up after I Skype the family and eat...

I see you at 1000 on the NaNo forums, that's a fair chunk!

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Yeah, was hoping to get at the full 1600 before I left work this morning, but the machine wasn't cooperative.

So, the test worked, but your particular arrangement failed? That's almost better than it working, gives you more stuff to work with!

Looking forward to seeing what you get done when you get to writing!

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Well, I sort of know where it's going by the end of each chapter. And where the next one starts. Other than that, there's a brief note on what has to happen in the meantime. That's about it!

You got a detailed plan?

---------- Post added at 01:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 AM ----------

Oh, and today's chapter has already totally changed from the plan i had for it. Same basic idea, but I've rearranged two thirds of it into a later section and stuck new stuff in as well as some other bits from further on...

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Oh, not at all. I've got a handful of notes on various plot points, characters, and so on. I tend to do a one or two sentence description of a scene, and then jump into it.

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------

That's not necessarily a bad thing!

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Heh, I like the style. Bare bones planning, then let it all fill out nice and naturally.

Yeah, I actually went from my original plan to something closer to a suggestion you made, leaving a huge gap in the information that can be filled in much more interestingly later on. Couldn't find a way to do it how I intended without spoiling the surprise, but I could keep the little bits in that shows one of the characters personality. It's worked out quite well, it means a broader show of the basic mechanics of the world, with some character development, but the big mystery from the end of chapter one doesn't get spoiled too soon.

Seems there's monday writing sessions at a starbuck in town here, so I might go to those. And the overnighter if I'm not working odd hours those days. You got plans down your way?

---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 AM ----------

Aargh, No Sophie, No! You can't have a good idea for that model in the wardrobe. Not until we get another thousand words written! I don't care how awesome it is, I... What? Well ok, that is pretty awesome. But still no. Be good and you can have a cookie.


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Why am I not surprised...poor Sophie, this month is going to drive her mad, isn't it?

There might be a write in going on tomorrow morning. I just know that when I get off work, I'll be going for a run and then to the coffee shop for a couple hours to write. We'll see if anyone else shows up, though.

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I don't think it's going to be easy for her. Still, if she makes it to the end of hte month without causing me to have a breakdown, I'll treat her to the crazy overdone megaproject of her choice!

Sounds like a plan, you get writing done regardless of what other people do, but you've given them the chance to join in.

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