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Morning/Evening glorius day today after rain all day yesterday.

have posted up what I have done with my 10T now so you guys can see my line of thought (if it exists)

Only a little bit of prep left for the tourney on Saturday which is a relief, just need a few more sign ups to get to numbers I will be happy with, have people that have said they will come just need to rock up on the day and I'll be happy.

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So, I've realized something the past couple days trying to write this scene... Command and Control is really boring in ground combat to write, lol.

Really liking how your Thunders are turning out, Osoi!

and in good news, my car is going into the shop tomorrow...looks like a gasket burst in one of my brakes, so nothing major/expensive to fix.

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He's not doing bad, his head is almost done. One ear is folded down (deliberately), the rope is being tricky tonight, and he has his goggles but no strap for them yet. I think a thin string type tied above his ears nearly on top of his head will work for him. Soon I'll just have the hands and weapons to go!

---------- Post added at 03:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 AM ----------

how's work tonight?

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Not bad. Going to be busy, which is always good. Fighting with the prober as per usual, lol. Trying to figure out a couple characters for the novel...I've got a sergeant, a soldier, and a Witch Hunter I need to name. At least I have a naming convention figured out for them- go go Germanic names!

---------- Post added at 10:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

Ooo...a German name generator. That'll be handy.

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A whole array of random stuff about human 2.0... I knew I shouldn't have let her read my research proposal!

Still, she at least wants Lucius done so I know how to sculpt a nice big anime style android/human combo. Which is a mercy!

Mind you, I might be getting a ton of ideas, but I'm still getting projects done and some finished. If I can only avoid starting any more before I get the list shortened, that would be handy.

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Heh, NaNo will happen if I have to handcuff the poor girl to the desk so she can only stare at the post it notes *grin*

Mind you, I do quite want to sculpt Malin too, so after NaNo when its all written down, it could well be a good bunch of sculpts to play with.

---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 AM ----------

Not entirely an android, but a synthetically upgraded human. A morally dubious blend of man and machine. Ever seen Vexille, the anime film?

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Heh, NaNo will happen if I have to handcuff the poor girl to the desk so she can only stare at the post it notes *grin*

Mind you, I do quite want to sculpt Malin too, so after NaNo when its all written down, it could well be a good bunch of sculpts to play with.

---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 AM ----------

Not entirely an android, but a synthetically upgraded human. A morally dubious blend of man and machine. Ever seen Vexille, the anime film?

Malin? What's a Malin?

Hm, no, that's a new one for me. Isn't a synthetically upgraded human usually termed a cyborg?

And I'm very glad the car isn't going to be expensive! It'll be nice to not be in financial distress after a repair, lol.

How're things going, osoi?

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Yeah, but cyborgs sound like ugly, clunky things. The synthetics in vexille are almost perfect replicas of humans, and people have parts replaced with perfect replicas. very sleek and stylish for bits of technology. I tend to prefer synthetic as a description of replica human parts. Cyborgs bring up thoughts of the borg lol.

Malin would be the name briefly mentioned at the end of my chapter, who comes up more in the novel later on. An odd person, and not a particularly safe one!

---------- Post added at 04:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 AM ----------

Why no fun Osoi?

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I dunno, I thought the Major in Ghost in the Shell was pretty well done. Some of my favorite characters are cyborgs, you know!

I'm sorry things aren't working out for you osoi, hopefully they improve!

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 PM ----------

Ah yes, that Malin! So, holding off til November to jump into things, then?

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I made a mistake on a job that has a really tight time frame which isnt good but it got worse with the workshop making the error greater. And getting answers from some suppliers is like trying to get blood from a stone so I can give answers to my customers, its just one of those days I think, to cap it all off I have class tonight but I really dont want to go but I know I have to.

Tomorrows a new day!

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That sucks, everything piling up on each other until you wish you could hit something with something else! Tomorrow will hopefully be better.

Ah, the Major. She was an amazing character, but then I guess she's what I'd call a synthetic. Human and replica human bits . Funny how I've picked up these distinctions over time, since really cyborgs and synthetics are the same thing! And androids are synthetics with AI and no organics. Daft really!

Woo, nearly time to stop sculpting for the night. Just need to finish a hand on something (another hand, I should say, there are ten now already...) and I'll be done for the day.

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 AM ----------

And yeah, not done any writing on it since decining to join NaNo. Will do the neatening we discussed, then leave it til november.

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