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Not too bad. Today has been an apathetic 'I want to do something...but I also don't want to do anything' day. Which has been annoying, because I still have stuff to do. -_- Ah well. Church was good, they did things differently today and I got a lot out of it. Been trying to figure out how to fix Faulkner, and just some odd 'can I get away with this before breaking SoD' thoughts for the novel.

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

I saw you got sculpting done, looks good! Shifting over to the 6mm project for a while?

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Honestly, I wish I could call it progress, but sadly anything but...Trying to figure out how to fix a character that is 'bland' is a lot harder than it sounds. I realized that unlike Soli (in her role as protector) and Arias (joker/rebel)...I don't have a defined role for Faulkner. Not one that's truly motivating. Yes, he's a family man...but so are millions of other people. So, trying to figure out some sort of thing I can do for him, and running into a wall.

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Hi Guys

I ahd a pretty good weekend, started to assemble my 10T but no one had the basing supplies I was looking for so I will be trying again later in the week at some other places.

Got a few games in and also started work on my Wardens which I am hoping to knock off by mid week. Now its back to the grind with work ...

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Ah. That's less of a good thing! Still, it's at least something to work on. Another session in TV tropes? Lol.

I don't know if I'm making any progress with my plan, there's a bunch of post it's on my wall but I haven't got a clue if its going to come together...

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All wins for me, mix of demo, league and general games.

Wardens are good fun, Hoffman as a crew took me 2-3 games to click but now it has it is getting pretty formidable, I will be giving him a rest at the end of the month to play Misaki for a good six months or more.

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Misaki for six months, that'll be fun!

I wish that plot holes were for NaNo, but this is a little larger than normal...I can't figure out how to get Soli, Arias and Faulkner heading toward a confrontation with the BBEG! So I'm going to have plenty to do while they're at each other's throats...and then stop writing while I have to figure out them finding out what's really going on, and to decide to work together (or at least not against each other) to stop it all, lol.

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

What's the problems you're having, Mako? Maybe Elle will be able to snap out of muse paralysis by helping Sophie out.

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Oh, I'm just staring at three major plot arcs that cross over at strange points, trying to work out if they will go together in the order I originally thought. So far I only have the major aspects sorted out, that chapter I sent you is one post it and there's 21 more on the timeline. I think it just confuses Sophie to see her own thoughts up on the wall so I can organise them!

---------- Post added at 01:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 AM ----------

Still, I've just gone and bought chocolate so she should cheer up and start chattering again soon!

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Ah, so Sophie is rebelling against the organization process, eh? That could be a problem, lol. And chocolate is always a good thing!

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

Well, I just outlined my whole plot, hole and all, and tossed it up on the NaNo forum for advice...hopefully someone has some ideas!

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Heh, I'm just worried about what'll happen if I don't write during the next two weeks...I don't need Elle abandoning me right before NaNo...

Although, someone just suggested a good idea for my plot that might work. A counter puppet master, to point Soli, Arias and Faulkner in the right direction. Depending on how I do it, it might end up being a deus ex machina... but hopefully not.

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