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heh, sounds like a plan. I've fixed my laptop, got it hooked into the network, and finally got office to authorise properly. So the rest of today is a trip home to sort some stuff out, and then back to work to rewrite my NaNo spreadsheet for the PC, since the pad format wont convert properly!

One day, I'll actually have work to do at work...

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Ugh, screechy whining lady 2 hours away so I can't glower at her in person...some people just seem to exist to make life harder for everyone around them, y'know?

Meanwhile, 30 Minute Malifaux might be something I need to revisit. Little scuffles with unique minions and lesser minions to help them- stuff like Burt, Gracie, and Wong versus Torakage and Thunders Archers, or Sebastian and Canine Remains versus the Judge and a Death Marshal. The idea is to simplify the game enough to make it fast yet still fun.

Not sure if I am going to play anything tonight or if I'm going to just paint. Looks like my weekend's filling up and I've got laundry to do...

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O.o Screechy whiny lady two hours away? What? Relative, SO, random friend...

And the 30 minute concept does sound like fun, honestly. It would be great for helping people figure out the basics of the game after they've been shown all of it, but that way they can practice the rules before jumping into the crazy that is Masters.

Sleep was good, actually. Now I'm trying to figure out if the scene I wrote this morning worked or not. (sigh) I love that I have readers, but the fact that they're all silent makes it difficult to see how well some new experiment worked out.

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Support nightmare. Cascading issues ("well, now that that's fixed, can you help me with this?"), impatience, and blatantly disregarding things I've said (like how she's going to continue using a USB drive in her home and company machines despite strict policy against such a thing). Just aggravating.

I realized a long time ago that I'm more of a dialogue writer than a novelist. I can write good promo speeches and such for, say, a professional wrestler, but when it comes to a cohesive story I have a harder time. I'm one of those people who types something up, goes back to read it later, and thinks "who wrote this? None of it even makes sense!" And unlike some people who do that, I don't use drugs :-P

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Ew, that's no fun...and the kind of thing that makes me glad I went away from working in computers.

See, dialogue I could use more work with. Mine's not bad, but doesn't flow as easily for me as other aspects...

Still, if you ever want to give writing a story another shot, there's a bunch of resources I've found over the past couple days that might be helpful for ya.

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Did you end up grabbing How NOT to Write a Novel, Mako?

And honestly, I tend to stockpile resources for other people. I'm pretty confident with my ability to write, although I'm always looking for new techniques which is why I've got a stockpile. I love to write, and I love to help other people become stronger writers. For me, it's something I can teach and try to help people with. Sometimes with more success than others.

One thing that's encouraged me about my story is that (until I got to the last chapter of world building) I managed to avoid all of the issues with writing a novel that the aforementioned book brings up.

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Tonight I'm heading out to see if I can achieve a game! Should be a laugh at any rate.

If I'm back early enough, I'll work on bungle, going to give him one chewed up ear, off your suggestion. The other will be folded forward by his arm flying past his face.

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