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Certainly for the moment, she's delighted that she'll be massively overworked! How long she pays attention for when it gets to 1,666 words a day on the same project, I have no idea. But if nothing else it will fill my down time nicely at work! If I still get any by then. And maybe I'll finish the gremlins before the writing begins, with a bit of luck!

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Well, I thrashed the quill out over two sessions of several hours each. But on the other hand, 2000 words for my next breach runners instalment has been sitting for months being added to in tiny bits. And that first chapter took me a couple of weeks.

I guess it all depends on inspiration, I've seen you write pretty quick when Elle was on at you!

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Yeah, she has her moments when inspiration goes from a breath to a mallet... >.>

---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

So, think you'll be able to hold off Sophie's desire to start that second Chapter until November 1?

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Oh, she'll behave. Maybe. I'll just have to distract her with other things, which shouldn't be too hard!

Speaking of which, I've work out which resins etc I'll be needing for casting, so once I get the justice crew sorted I should be good to make some moulds and get some to paint!

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Painting onto green stuff is ok, you just have to wash it really carefully. Fimo on the other hand causes trouble. If you haven't baked it almost to the point of overbaking, some of the oils can leach out and do two things (I have this problem with my seishin, that was the point I decided to cast!). You get really really glossy paintwork, even with coats and coats of matt varnish, and (a problem a friend of mine had) those oils can actually soften bases and melt them over time! So it's easier to cast them and paint the resin.

Plus, if anything goes wrong with them, like losing them or breakages, I can replace them. I like backup plans *grin*

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Very cool. That makes sense!

Hey, found this concept that I think is kinda fun...might need to do this with a couple characters. Isabella comes straight to mind just because I don't even know what's going on with her!

Interview your characters. Interact with them, describe if they're eager on questions, or fidget as they give the answers. Some examples of questions:

  1. Who are you, really?
  2. What do you want?
  3. Whom do you trust?
  4. Whom do you mistrust?
  5. Whom do you secretly love?
  6. What are your secrets?
  7. What are your lies?
  8. Where do you want to be at the end of the story?
  9. Why do you oppose your enemy in this book?
  10. What choices do you regret?
  11. What are your strengths?

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She secretly loves Albert, she must do! Heh. Not that I've got a crush on one of your more vicious characters, honest *wink*

Good set of questions though. I imagine some of my characters would get rather shifty if I was brave enough to ask some of those!

I've just finished building a spreadsheet that will stay at zeroes for now, and each day in November it will show the day and total count needed, and when I tell it my total count it will take off chapter 1 and show me how much above or below the day's requirements I am. Sad, but might help me keep pushing onward!

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No probs, if I can figure out how to do it I'll bump it to Dropbox and link it in the nano thread if you like? Might have to wait til tomorrow night or Friday though, laptop is in IT dept being broken so I'll have to repair the software damage they do, clean it up and then use it to check the pad format works properly on PCs. May even be able to add in more stuff like green font for over count days, and red for under...

---------- Post added at 06:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 AM ----------

Actually, if I do it on the pc linking it from dropbox is easy. It's only doing it on the pad that's a new one to me.

Have realised the third reason to cast gremlins - I might give a set away as a prize if I run a painting contest here...

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Yeah, for some reason university IT think that multiple virus scanners are a good idea. S you get zero memory when it comes back, and none of them work properly! If it didn't need a dedicated MAC address or some such thing, that's locked to that machine and that specific office, I wouldn't have let them near it. As it is, it'll take a while to repair what they do to it. Our departmental IT head is a total spanner

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Well, without all this I can't get onto the internal network, and for some reason my university licence for MS office won't activate without that. So in the end, Microsoft are to blame for wrecking my laptop. Not for the first time, and most likely not for the last either!

Otherwise, I'd accept the crap wireless I get in the office, and not let the morons touch my nice new machine.

Oh blast, it's 2am. That's my early night gone away! I should probably get some sleep if I want to be functional tomorrow and not need to spend most the weekend sleeping!

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Man, I really need to figure out what I'm going to do about wanting to publish this as a book when it's done, but not wanting to stop posting updates here on the forum because I've got readers here...bah. -_- This should not be a problem.

Ah well. How's it going, friends from the UK?

---------- Post added at 04:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 AM ----------

Morning all. What's going on here other than writing advise?

Umm. For the last several pages, I don't think anything. How about you?

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