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I don't think I want to quit Malifaux, but I have a feeling it's going to be my #3 game for a while, #4 if you count the playtest project (I'm behind and need to get more of that in).

I shift around my hobbies a lot; in recent years it's shifting among games, so that at least narrows it down some. I've been less enthusiastic to promote Malifaux in our usual store since I'm not a Henchman yet. I've been encouraging him to get an easier to use starter or two, like the Freikorps or Seamus or something. I hate to be overly critical, because for the most part he's doing a fine job (he retains the rules much better than I do, for example), but Leveticus vs. Hamelin is not conducive to a good learning (or for a newbie, playing) experience, IMO.

What I really need to do is get my Ortegas done and leave them at the store. That would help a lot.

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Ouch, that's a vicious pair to try and learn with!

What's running at the top of your list at the moment Dust?

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Well, that's the quill entry written, 1520 words and hopefully not needing too much messing with before it becomes readable!

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It's not too bad, I had to prune out a lot of Sophie's favourite bits in order to both stay within the word limit (well, close anyway!) and to avoid it becoming really gross. I think there's enough in there to get the feel across, but not to go overboard with it.

Also, it turned out to be one of the more intriguing characters I've written lately, and I might actually flesh him out more in future. There's a lot that just didn't fall in the tight scope of the short story.

---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------

How goes the day?

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Well, that's always nice, to have a character develop as you're working on a separate project! And honestly, I was kinda looking forward to the gross...just to see what it is that you think qualifies for the term, lol. Although, I'll admit to being a big fan of subtle, letting the reader fill in the blanks, because they'll usually come up with something far worse than I ever could!

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

Um, so far not bad. Finally managed to get more than 5-6 hours sleep, somehow got 9, so feeling a lot better than earlier. Now if I could get my allergies to leave me along I'd be great. I think I'm going to finish writing the scene I started this morning and then go on to working on my homework. Two updates in one day is a bit rare for me, but I figure, why not?

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

Okay, that's a hilarious thread on the NaNo forums...

Why Your Book will be Banned.

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That sounds like comedy reading! Almost tempted to sign up just to read that...

Mind you, I was debating signing up anyway. Although I would have been writing my long project, which I have 3000 words of done. And that's not the point of it really, is it!

---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

Good to hear about the sleep though, always helps to not be worn out before the day begins!

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Eh, sign up anyway. There's a section for being a Rebel, where you're breaking the rules somehow. I'm doing it, honestly. Keeping going with the novel, and I've got nearly 19k written already, I'm just not starting to count until November! The point is to write 50k words, lol.

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Well, if I can figure out how to get past my first chapter, I can give it a try. Worst that can happen is I fail to hit the number, right? Lol.

I reckon my story has been tamed to the level of 'unpleasant' rather than gory, it hopefully has bits that people shudder to imagine happening to them, but I had to use implication mostly and broad descriptives to keep it away from being a massive overshoot!

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Ouch, that's a vicious pair to try and learn with!

What's running at the top of your list at the moment Dust?

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Well, that's the quill entry written, 1520 words and hopefully not needing too much messing with before it becomes readable!

Ooo I'll look toward to reading it

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Well, for the hell of it, I wrote out a list of why my book will be banned...quite a lengthy list, honestly. Good thing I don't care, and it's not written for Young Adults anyway so the people who petition books being banned won't notice it even exists, lol. Here's what I came up with:

  1. -Discussion of religion (possibly)
  2. -Death (it's a military novel)
  3. -Unflattering portrayal of the military
  4. -Flattering portrayal of a different military
  5. -Heterosexual relationship
  6. -Magic
  7. -Language (light)
  8. -Alcohol
  9. -disobeying parents
  10. -monsters
  11. -gender equality and inequality in different nations
  12. -dysfunctional family
  13. -suicide
  14. -fanaticism
  15. -human experimentation
  16. -classism (and discussion of)
  17. -torture
  18. -discussion of God
  19. -rebellion against government
  20. -military deserters as good guys
  21. -war crimes
  22. -very much a grey morality world
  23. -human experimentation
  24. -genocide

And I'm pretty sure there's going to be more to add to that list in the end.

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Well, I know I need to do a bit of exposition, but not sure how to go about it yet. I'll shoot you the draft of the first chapter when I get a moment if you like. Tis one will probably stay off the forum, and just go on NaNo if I take the challenge

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

And oh dear, some of those are heavy themes in my stuff!

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Ouch, that's a vicious pair to try and learn with!

What's running at the top of your list at the moment Dust?

It sure is. I need to get the Ortegas done sooner rather than later!

Song of Blades and Heroes is my favorite right now, and Mighty Armies is just behind it. MA is the one I've been talking about- 15mm, took Hordes of the Things and got rid of all the confusing, annoying crap while adding a few things that make it feel like actual fantasy instead of "historicals with a bit of imagination." Plays in about 20-30 minutes once you know the rules.

I'm tempted to try it with 28mm just for kicks soon- just needs a couple of small modifications.

Oh, and the minis are tiny- why not paint the individual dudes and then base them up?

#3 - The playtesting thingy. I think I can say it's for Wyrd, and that I think you guys will like it without getting in trouble :)

The silver lining is that I'm not losing interest in miniatures games- it's just shifting to something that's more appropriate to my attention span :-P

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Lol at #3, it's hard to know what you can and can't say isn't it! Back when I playtested DzC, I wasn't allowed to admit I'd played it for a while, then couldn't mention the rules, it all got confusing so I just said nothing until it was released!

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I guess I should really! I can always head back after the class and not start for the hours of social dancing if I can't face remembering how to dance nicely for beginners. My usual make up random moves approach is a bit tricky and unfair on them...

---------- Post added at 10:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

Also, I now have one of my favourite bits of old art on my wall, a big poster of the Great wave of Kanagawa woodcut. Finally, some colour on the walls of this beige cell!

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