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You too, eh? Very well done game. I need to get another X-wing, but beyond that I've got more than enough to play the game with. I got a second starter and the TIE Advanced and the Y-wing... the Y-wing is one that I found myself impressed with, honestly. Toss on that turret and it gets nasty. Granted, without the turret it's pretty useless, but still, the ability to fire in all directions is handy.

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Who comes with the X-wing set? Wedge and who else?

I'm looking forward to seeing what Baron Fel and Tycho Celchu do with their Interceptor and A-wing...those are some of my favorite characters.

It'll also be interesting to see how they expand in the future. With those models out, the only things missing from the movies are the B-wing and TIE Bomber, at least at that size. Wonder if they'll go for including the E-wing, TIE Defender and other later ships. Or maybe earlier with the Clone Wars?

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It's always fun when you realise how important author scores are. That said I'm still shocked when people vote for my stuff!

I'm not too bad monkey, how are you?

I'm guessing there's a Star Wars space combat game I don't know about, that you two are enjoying? Lol. I'm trying to avoid getting into Dropzone commander, I like the models and the last time I saw the rules they were fun, but I can't be spending money on whole new game systems at the moment!

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I'm holding off on Dropzone purely because of lack of players. I now own two games with few players (Malifaux and X-wing) don't need to add another, lol. That said, those Archangel fighters could make for some awesome ships for X-wing...

And welcome to part of why I'm working on a fighter pilot for the novel, Mako, lol ;)

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Ah, sounds like a good laugh that X wing then!

Yeah, DzC has so few players so far. But I suspect I'll end up with two armies to try and coax people to play it (partly because its fun, part because the models are pretty, and a little bit because my mate runs the company lol). The archangels are good fun in game too. As is the napalm bomber the humans have. That thing can make a real mess if you leave infantry in the open...

But I definitely won't get it until April. I might return from England with two small armies (hell, if I could afford it all four) but for now I'll be good. And that's knowing that my paintwork is in the book, and my name is on one of the command cards!

Fighter combat is awesome though, to play and to write.

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It's always the way really, the new games have to wait their turn to get into people's play stack I think. It's a 'not yet' until something falls off the top few places, then it can sneak up and in!

Ugh, in my current fragile state the last thing I need is Sophie full of ideas and energy. Like a child with a toy drum at 4am when you're hung over...

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Oh, every idea under the sun in a confused jumble of concepts! Lots of painting and sculpting stuff (I refuse to try for the five foot high coiled dragon sculpture, I don't have the time or space), some rather jumbled scenes for various stories but nothing to connect them together, and so on.

I painted a couple of bits in the guest painters pages, and got pride of place central on the first page of it. Need to get a copy of it when I'm over next. Also did a bit of play testing for it. In fact, I played the first ever game of it way back at the start of testing! We got drunk doing it too...

---------- Post added at 07:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 AM ----------

Here's one of the bits I did, the other featured one I don't have a good shot of except the one in the book.


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They work as an organic type, I'm less of a fan of them in metals. But they are the quintessential evil alien race, so they have to be in my collection eventually! Still think for now I'll be getting the two human races first, they're lovely. And one day I'll have the space to retrieve those models back, and I'll have several tanks and a giant desolator already painted for that army!

I have some on my desk to be made into a diorama for April, although I haven't yet worked out how I'll resculpt parts of metal models that are so tiny as the infantry!

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