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Oh, not too bad, really tired but played Jakob against a rather quirky Ramos crew in Mr Shines hands. Coryphee, spiders, Lazarus, and then wardens when he avatar'd. Suddenly realised that beckoners can do nothing against immune to influence models. But that crew can shift en masse surprisingly well!

---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------

How goes the writing Ed? I think Sophie has had a minor breakdown, I get the urge to work on something then the moment I sit down to it I want to put it away again!

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I'm preparing myself for when my wife goes on holidays in a couple of weeks time, at the moment not much hobby happenings but come the day shes gone I can game until my hearts content.

Havent had a chance to do much more to Lucius yet with everything shes asking me to do but this weekend looks like I might have the time to get him done.

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Ahh, so when the cats away the mouse can play... Malifaux. Always good. I find playing to be quite hard work, probably because I don't know any of the rules or stats for my own stuff, never mind anyone else's. So I spend the whole time confused and getting nasty surprises.

I think sculpting and painting will always be my side of the hobby.

How come she's going away, holiday or work?

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Bit of both, 3 days is work the rest is holiday. Then shes bringing relatives back from Germany to stay for another 5 or so weeks. Alll year we have both been learning going to night school which is tough after a 12 hour day at work.

I love every aspect of the hobby and really look forawrd to when I can get more games in to try and stretch myself because I feel pretty confident playing most things, although a couple of months ago I faced Ophelia for the first time and it took me about half the game to get things going.

My biggest area of improvement would be sculpting but I know thats just going to be practice.

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Aye, practice is the key to most things I find. If only I had the time and patience to learn to play! Ah well, so long as I laugh it's all good.

I don't know how you cope, I can barely think straight after a day at work, I couldn't face night school after it! Serious kudos for the effort.

Mind you, relatives visiting for 5 weeks? Sounds like a punishment for a capital crime, but maybe that's just my family...

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It helps that they are staying at her parents but they are only 5 minutes away so no doubt we will be going there often. Add to that they dont speak English (one has started taking classes) and we barely speak German (getting better slowly) so it should be interesting.

One night earlier this year I actually fell asleep for a few minutes after a particulalry trying day of work, it reminded me of a few of my lectures from uni days

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Amen to that.

I'm doing okay, honestly. The last couple hours of work really need to pick up the pace, I'm bored. Bah. Ah well. Here's hoping I can con Elle out of whatever hole she disappeared into... Also, found out I made the Dean's List for summer semester last night. Kinda cool, honestly, although I've been out of school for so long I forgot this kind of stuff even exists.

Edited by edonil
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No. Due to playing Malifaux on Sunday I'd not really had a chance to play any Borderlands 2 so I wanted to give that a go.

I did some great stuffing for a couple of bases and filling gaps on aKirai so not a totally gaming free day. Painting tonight. I still need to look up pictures of a crow to try and file/scrape the green stuff nose on aJustice's crow into a better shape.

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Hysteria...don't know that one. Horror movie?

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 AM ----------

My video gaming consists of Space invaders....

Did you ever hear about what made the level speed up as invaders died? It was hilarious to hear about it.

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