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Well, I appear to be having an evening of near total incompetence. It's always so much fun when that happens. I should probably not touch anything else that needs a delicate touch, I've already wrecked the two part sculpted 6mm infantry I was doing and had to tear off and throw out my evenings efforts on the gremlins!

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Ick. Well, good luck to you my friend. Maybe switch over to writing?

So, got more progress done on the Rail Crew. Discovered a problem with my skin recipe- it's inconsistent in its results. The shade is completely dependent on the drybrushing. Oh well. I'm not too worried about it, because people have different complexions even within the same genotype. Just annoying to run into that as a problem. Also discovered more joints to attack with liquid green stuff at some point...that one is more annoying, lol.

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The joints are a pain on the new stuff. The models are more difficult to paint after assembly I imagine too, as they've got more intricate poses and such.

Yah, skins one of those things that any differences you can just claim are deliberate. I usually go for slight variations in each crew member anyway, to make them look more natural.

I might have got a little bit of 6mm right, it's really tricky but I think the scale is the same this time!

---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 AM ----------

Although I do have to wonder why I decided they should have revolver rifles. That's made my life even harder...

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It got written into the fluff, so it kind of happened on the first one. Looked quite cool too, but then the reality of it is a little less amusing... Still, at least the models will be awesome when they're (eventually!) done.

I've managed to get the upper body of one sorted out, and that's the real mare to do. so now I just need to do the legs and seat, and he's good to bake. He'll need a quick tweak when he's baked, but the barrels are too hard to get that thin and neat in soft putty.

What you got going on tonight?

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Reading and critiquing one last essay. And cringing through it. My classmates aren't bad writers, but there's some insane circular logic going on in some of these, and I can't keep pointing it out, or I think my professor will complain. That and some of the writing is just...iffy. I think I've been spoiled by our Writing Room.

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But circular logic is so much fun! Especially in debates. You might be right about getting told off for pointing it out a lot though lol.

The writing room does have some stunning pieces in it, it must be said. And then there's my latest effort! Which is... Debatable I think is the word

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It's always interesting to agree with someone's results, but find their method of getting there to be painful because of the logic used...then again, I bet you're more familiar with that than most, being in research.

I'll have to take a look at your bit sometime soon, Elle just got distracted as hell with the Rail Crew, haven't been interested in much anything else!

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Heh, I wouldn't rush to read it, it might just shatter any illusions of me npbeing a competent writer! And it's far better to be making progress on stuff.

Speaking of progress, I seem to have regained a bit of skill, which pleases me no end.

Work busy tonight?

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I've made it into book two, and so far have only had to hit myself over the end twice to stay focused on it.

I might see if Sophie can be coaxed out of hiding to write something tonight. Either the breach runners, some 6mm fluff, or the other story that's not very well defined yet lol

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How's it going, Monkey?

---------- Post added at 01:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 AM ----------

I hate not having an idea...still trying to figure out what to do for that tattoo that's not too insane. Tried looking at kanji, but that got nuts quick. Anyone got any suggestions on something simple to do for a first attempt at freehand?

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