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Home from work and on the table currently are puppets... A witchling, Judge and Austringer all half done and after that will be Puppet Nino and Puppet Justice.

I'm hoping my Gencon order isn't going to be much longer but I wouldn't be surpised if it was another week or so... I also have 2 of the TOR Gaming Relic Puppets I was going to use as Guild Riflemen...

This is going to be my 3rd Lady J crew... I'm wondering if they will be ready for MOAB

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Well, I'll have justice, Platypus, and GJ. Eventually...

Not too bad today, after the total fiasco with ordering my laptop the store had one in when I went to y and fix the mess, so that was quite quick and simple. Getting twitchy fingers to sculpt again now though, but have to wait half an hour before I can go home.

How's life around the world? (one day we should find somewhere none of us live and all gather there for one giant off topic tournament *grin*)

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I bought the dead one for a prize, but never been interested in it myself. Interesting concept, I'm just not a fan of the zombie aesthetic.

Glad to hear you got your laptop finally, Mako!

I'm about to jump into some painting for a little bit...have homework to finish, but I'm itching to get some more progress on this crew. Especially since my new brush showed up!

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Lucius, eh? Still one of my favourite models.

Yeah, the laptop is nice. Especially since I discovered just before leaving work that it runs sculptris without batting an eye, so I can digitally sculpt now when I want to! Just wish I'd brought my graphics tablet with me. Wonder if I can rig the iPad for it...

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It is a fantastic lucius.

Digital is... tricky. Less satisfying in some ways than physical, but nice that you can undo stuff and zoom in a lot! Also, it's at least as hard as physical to learn (this is from fifteen minutes messing about on it), so I have a whole new level of respect for people that can get clean lookin models on it!

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...I just realized I've never actually done that kind of basing before. o.O Maybe I should give that a shot.

---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------

And I just remembered why I don't normally highlight the metallic velvets...it makes it look really splotchy rather than smooth. Well, that's why we experiment on the Archers! lol.

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Just the one. Did the Mithril Silver highlight on the one, and it turned out bad. On the other, I'm trying darkening the Boltgun Metal and drybrushing Boltgun over that to see if it's a quirk of the ink over the Mithril.

Yeah, that would get annoying, lol. How many more to go?

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Ahh, could be. Mightily was always a bit of a wierd paint, I never got it to behave that well.

Three to do in total, one is done except the wispy stuff, the others are half done. They need end walls and lids, and one needs a lot of wispy stuff. Then I suppose there's rope to put on too. Ugh

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