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It's reasonably new, but it has been on a plane so that might not do it much good.

I'll score the rest of the parts, see if that helps, and if not it'll be time to replace it! Which is a shame as it was good glue that. The flex helps joins resist a little stressing

---------- Post added at 03:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 AM ----------

Hmmm, is it time to upload my IQ story yet do we think? It probably needs another going over, but I'm not sure it will get one!

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Ahh, work. Similar to love, it's like stale movie theatre popcorn, with an excess amount of butter flavouring.

Maybe I need to change jobs...

Yeah, Sophie has been a bit more focused and attentive lately, the gremlins are coming along, I've got the first leg of the marsupials done (always the hardest one), lucius is ready to be putted, dark debts are getting cleaned, my writing is making progress (halfway through next breach runners chapter), the artwork for my sisters wedding invites is nearly finished...

It's all go here! So I shall go find the right room to put my short story up in and return in a moment!

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Well I have just had an awesome weekend. Went to lunch on Saturday, eat great food an drank good wine. We statyed for a while and had to rush home in time to go out again for the Rugby. It was a good game with plenty of atmosphere.

Yesterday managed to play my first non demo type of Malifaux game in while and was my first game for the Starter Box + league I am running, managed to win 8-4. I have almost finishing blocking up the Peacekeeper now too, hopefully finish that off tonight then I can start on the fun prt of painting him.

On top of all that beautiful weather nice and sunny and warm ... now I'm back in the office but very happy to have only a 3 day week!

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Ahh, work. Similar to love, it's like stale movie theatre popcorn, with an excess amount of butter flavouring.

(falls over laughing)

Yesterday managed to play my first non demo type of Malifaux game in while

You too, eh? I swear, it's a Henchman thing... Good to hear you had a great weekend! Who'd you run?

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Ran Hoffman, who is tricky at 25ss and only using a very limited pool of models. He had a cache of 7 though which is waaay higher than I normally run him with, I ended the game with 4 still left in the bank and a full crew (from memory when the game was called I only had 3-4 wounds on my entire crew, self repair and weld together are fantastic).

Get to head off to Sydney for work on Thursday morning, thats a five hour flight so no work then. On Friday get to look at robots, CNC metal working machines and software so I will be working but its not really work.

@Ed, I am making a conscious effort of trying to get more non intro games while keeping those demos coming, the fact the league had 9 people in it without me made me a very happy Henchman as I get to play in my own league to make even numbers and ensure everyone gets their games in.

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Ah, nice! That's crazy... o.o Everyone survived? I usually consider myself lucky if my Master survives, much less the entire crew. Can you tell I don't have a lot of non-intro experience? lol.

What's the format for your league, out of curiosity?

And that trip sounds like a lot of fun!

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Yeah, I reckon I will, though knowing my luck that'll be the one my mate sent me, and I'll end up wanting to buy the rest! Still, the pad is at least good for reading graphics.

---------- Post added at 04:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ----------

Also, I'm massively unable to sleep. Tired, but way too awake. How wierd is that...

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Yeah I was surpised I had everything left on the board. It helped that when one of his Warpigs charged my Guardian I got his Df trigger off to end up with Armor +4.

The format of the league is pick a starter box + either a totem OR avatar + one small box or clamshell. That forms the pool of models you can choose your starting crew from, you can summon models from outside that pool. All games are 25ss using core strategies only.

I'll have to hunt up Atomic Robo

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It is an awesome one. Especially his attitude to the the stuff he ends up doing!

Yah, I thought the female was bad with the tiny head parts, but this is surreal. You have to put some bits together, then some others on, and then another piece seems to have to pass through the others to fit. Honestly, it's more confusing than the puzzle box from hell raiser that passes through itself as it opens!

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I think I've figured it out now, just have to hope completing it doesn't open the portal to a torture dimension full of psychotic nutters! Heh.

They will be pretty good fun to paint I think, I've spent a while planning them and the last time I did that was for Lady J, so hopefully they'll come out as nicely.

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