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Should be ok for the two packages guys, misaki's box wil be under the threshold for taxes won't it? So that will go through without trouble as they don't stop stuff that would net them less than £9 or something. And then that cost will be taken fom the other package, so that will get hit for less. Hopefully...

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Since it was mentioned, Heroquest is effectively print and play now, if you look around the archives/fan sites online. It's worth a try, even if it's a bit simple.

After reading some of the GW fanboy examples, it's funny how people wonder where my anti-GW bias comes from...what a motley lot of uncultured savages :-P

Rail Golem and Metal Gamin went together easily, for the most part. The reptilian Metal Gamin has posts on his ankles for his tiny feet- leave sprue on and test fit first before clipping further. The Golem went together really well. Easiest model that size I've ever assembled- kudos to the designer/engineer multiclass who designed that one.

I have way too much to do already and now I'm tempted to get even more...I think I have a problem *grin*

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Yup. Thats raspy's crew off the list for now...

---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------

Aye, more gremlins. It's soothing to do something that isn't costing me anything after today! Heh. Far too tired to think about starting lucius...

How long you got til work?

---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 AM ----------

Oh, and my sister wants to Skype me this week. The last three times that's happened ive got another job at her wedding...

On the bright side, my mom's agreed to help me make a waistcoat in the same cut as rabbit's for the wedding. Not in black and red though. So I can smirk all the way through knowing where i got the style from lol

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I've got about another hour until work. Still, it's Thursday, so there's that. Expecting to see Misaki and the lot tomorrow, I hope. Tonight, working up the first scene at home in Drasvar. World building became a lot more interesting when I realized I don't have to do it like Tolkien or Jordan.

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 PM ----------

I'd love to get a jacket like that, honestly. Not sure about those colors, I've tried to shift away from black over the years, lol.

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What, really slowly and painfully? Heh. It's an easy trap to fall into isn't it, following a different authors way of doing things.

Misaki tomorrow? That would be sweet, my stuff hit customs on the 28th and there's no sign yet. But some really good photos of the sprues has reassured me a fair bit on the quality. It's thursday? I thought it was Tuesday... Wait, it's wednesday right?

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Heh, I'm just totally lost in time.

I have this really nice teal/turquoise fabric with embroidered dragons and phoenixes on it that I want to use for the front, plain teal for the back and inner lining, and black instead of the red bits and on the pocket trim. Oriental steam punk fusion at a wedding...

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Are they trying to make you think you've gone mad? I'd keep an eye on them, if they start trying to move stuff every time you look away you might need to cuff one of them round the ear!

Yeah, I reckon if I can get it fixed up right, it should be pretty decent. And given that it's the sister's wedding, I doubt even my skills can keep me out of every photograph! Black suit, black shirt, pale tie and green epic waistcoat. If I can spare the time and find the right thread, possibly embroidered cuffs on the shirt too lol. I do love a bit of indulgent luxury at times! And the chance to use some of the more bizarre skills I've picked up...

Didn't get much gremlin done, the third troffin was rubbish so I redid it, then bulked out bungle's legs, and that was it. Ended up working on the wedding invites instead.

---------- Post added at 04:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 AM ----------

How's Drasvar?

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Coming along. Nice thing is, they were established pretty well in the first draft. Bad thing is, as I've been reading over the first draft, I really do have to scrub a lot of it! lol. Didn't have enough of an idea of what I was doing originally, so I have a whole bunch of stuff that either no longer fits, got put in earlier, or needs to be rewritten entirely. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I could've wished to not get nearly 50k words into something before realizing that problem.

So, when's this wedding?

---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

And, I have to add this question: Trying to make me go mad? Little late for that, my friend, LOL. As I always say: I never claimed to be sane, you assumed.

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That's got to be annoying. But at least the replacement bits will make more sense and be better than ever!

Sane is a sliding scale, although I prefer to see it as a swing set, there's lots of fun to be had passing through sanity I either direction, but stopping in the middle gets dull fast!

I have until April, so that's a good six or seven months to paint a multi layered resin thingy as a gift, get a pattern made up and ready, and pick up a shirt to detail the cuffs. I hope...

---------- Post added at 04:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 AM ----------

Oh, and to paint at least one entry for the Salute contest the morning I arrive in London. That's going to e fun, handling a delicate item after a red eye flight...

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Damn, I just found out that Misaki didn't ship. :/ Oh well. At least they shipped out the rest of the stuff. I'll have Mei Fang to mess around with at least, and it's not like the rest of the stuff I ordered won't be useful with Miss Street Fighter.

I like that definition of sanity...

Oh, if SPG ever comes near here, I've got a third friend willing to road trip it with us. Thinking about starting a petition on Facebook, lol.

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Go for it, you might get me to actually use Facebook for once! I was sat looking at the website today wondering if I should email them to beg for a northern gig. Somewhere near the border so we can both get there! Or maye we should get them to play near gencon and go there at the same time..,

Yeah, Mei should be fun, and misaki will appear when the supplier stops being a total tool I'd hope!

I want Mr Snuggles to appear so I can plan his paint job out, it's going to be a real beast. I think I'll be using every effect in my arsenal on him. Which might then mean doing him as a guide, since all my tricks will be there on display!

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I'm debating if I want to go metallic fabric with all of the Ten Thunders stuff or not. I haven't done the technique in a long time, might be fun to break it out with the pure Ten Thunders rather than painting them up like Naruto ninjas, lol.

Mr...Snuggles? o.O And I thought Hungry Hippo was a weird nickname.

---------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ----------

Well, I finally ordered the Kaeris box set...I think I'm going to go ahead with my cold fire idea, and paint up Kaeris and the Fire Gamin to match the Ten Thunders. Don't see myself really using Kaeris with anyone else.

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Metallic fabric? That would look pretty impressive, I say do it. Certainly be diffent to the rest,which is always good but often tricky to do.

Yeah, my Kaeris will be an odd flame colour but nothing so adventurous as cold fire.

And Snuggles is a perfectly sensible name, just look at his little face, he wants a hug! Lol.

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It's not a complicated technique. Paint the fabric normally using three different shades of silver (darkened Boltgun Metal, midbase Boltgun Metal, highlight Mithril Silver) and then wash it with the appropriate ink. I did it with a dress on an angel using a dark green ink, turned out gorgeous. I'm thinking I'll do the Ten Thunders in purple, though.

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They do look like purple will suit them. I was debating purple details on canary yellow for misaki, I don't do much yellow. Most my crews end up blues and purples lol. My three main colours always end up night blue, royal purple and bonewhite if I'm not careful.

I might enter the Dark Debts crew in the contest in April if they come out well actually, I do have a diorama I want to do but not sure if the stuff will get fom my parents to me in time for all the work. Question is, how to make their brilliance effect look different on the humans, the neverborn (and whatever the beckoners are!)

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