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Oh, messed up, lol. Haven't been feeling well, spent pretty much the whole day sleeping, much to my annoyance. So, missed the SCA practice, and I still have homework to do! And, to top it all off, I still don't feel awake. Ugh. :P What a way to spend a vacation weekend.

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Damn, that sucks man. A long weekend in bed is all well and good, but not when it's sprawled there feeling crap. And no doubt you'll recover just in time to go back to work!

Can you combine the two, and whack your assessors on the head with a heavy stick? Heh.

No plans for tomorrow then I take it, other than recovering? I have another project I want to start now...

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The new face is much much better, he needs ears and a hat but that can wait til tomorrow I think. Much more in the gremlins movie style and it suits much more, although I was struggling to pick the right facial expression for what he's supposed to be doing!

Homework all the way through the rest of the holiday? Shame, but I guess it has to be done!

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Yeah, they're due tomorrow at midnight, so need to get them done. The nice thing is, Elle's been active in figuring out the next couple of scenes, so I've got a few planned out. It's weird, she actually seems interested in writing some scenes without violence! Just seems kinda weird, lol.

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The kind of people who have every deadline be the following Monday for an online 8 week course, lol. I'm not too worried about it, honestly, just annoyed that because of how tired I've been I hadn't been able to already be done with it.

Honestly, I think part of why she's interested in the next scene is because I'm thinking about having Arias go into a full blown rant at an Admiral and storm out...

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Ahh, routine and order, my two enemies! Curse them and their sensible deadline setting ways.

Figures really, verbal violence is just a refreshing change for her, but nothing too wierd like peaceful things happening!

Would it be bad to sculpt a, shall we say, large scale model? Something that I really like the concept of, but bigger than it would be in game?

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Woah. I was thinking 54mm, but that's much, much larger. Lucius, absolutely.

The problem with listening to SPG while studying...being knee deep in an article on biblical authority and cracking up as I hear Rabbit go 'Oop! There goes Alderaan. Oh well, Carrie Fisher didn't need that planet anyway.'

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They are massively distracting, aren't they! I was watching one of the ones with Upgrade in it earlier, when she tries to kiss the spine and they have to switch her off...

Yeah, I figure a massive project will stop everything feeling like its an endless fight for tiny details and eye strain. Got the idea watching someone else's WIP on a different forum, he's done a two foot high assault marine before, and an eldar harlequin too.

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Honestly, something less animated. Lucius always struck me as that kind of quiet, reserved individual, exuding that presence of intimidation without having to do anything. So, either him sitting down, holding his cane upright in front of him, or leaning on it. Or, for a completely different and more complicated process, have him with the cane crooked under his arm, or leaning up over his shoulder.

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Ive not seen the model in the flesh, from the model images I always assumed he was just standing there leaning on his cane! Which is probably what I'd go for, a proper gentlemans pose, something like http://www.flickr.com/photos/ljmck/3584655552/ but without the hat?

---------- Post added at 04:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------

Thats going to be the key really isn't it, getting that sense of utterly terrifying calm that he has in the fluff...

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That could work too. Lucius is in a walking pose, if I remember right...that, or I've seen some very subtle tweaks of the pose, lol. That, however, could definitely work.

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

I think a lot of that will come down to painting, and to the mask. Get the mask right, and get the eyes right, and I think you'll get the intimidation.

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Ah yes, I see what they did with his pose now. It's similar but they've put the legs together with the cane I front of the back foot, so it's one block for casting. And his coat is billowing backwards, presumably to make him more dramatic as a model (which is less of an issue at 1/6, you don't have to exaggerate stuff as much!). Which makes him look like he's walking, but also not. Very strange, but entirely practical for a singe piece cast in metal.

This behemoth, on the other hand, would have no such restrictions - I could do whatever I liked, although I would probably need to make him in several parts just so I can handle them as I worked!

---------- Post added at 04:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------

I think a lot of that will come down to painting, and to the mask. Get the mask right, and get the eyes right, and I think you'll get the intimidation.

Oh hell, I hadn't thought about the painting! I think it'll be a borrowed airbrush or oil paints for this one if I get to that stage.

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Would definitely be interesting. Honestly, I was thinking that I needed to get back to painting some of my show pieces, and the first one to come to mind as a 54mm piece I've got from Reaper, Monique De Noir.

---------- Post added at 11:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------

Oh hell, I hadn't thought about the painting! I think it'll be a borrowed airbrush or oil paints for this one if I get to that stage.

Heh, yeah, that's the difference between us methinks...to me, sculpting is a step to get to painting, for you, it's an end of itself. Perfectly natural honestly, but still, definitely different.

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Nice piece, and big enough to go all out on and get all the details in there. I've only done a few 54mm pieces, but the ones I have, have been good fun. Small scale is all well and good, but sometimes you need to be able to go up a size or two!

The cuddling darkness and Jakob will probably be my next display level pieces, going to be trying to combine a ton of techniques on the hippo...

Not until my paints arrive of course. But with one gremlin mostly sorted, which gives me the reference for the others, and the same with the marsupials, I can just plod away on those while I wait, and while I start assembling the stuff for lucius! Like wood, large amounts of milliput, and various other odds and ends

---------- Post added at 04:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 AM ----------

Well, it's nice to get to paint stuff after I sculpt it, that's why I typically cast things these days if I can. Mind you, casting a 1 foot high lucius model... Probably a good 100 bucks of silicon and resin alone!

And of course, neither painters or sculptors would be much good without the other *grin*

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Yeah, tomorrow I'll get some new photos, might start the ears and hat first to get the framing of the face going though. Then it's just the troffin and arms, and he's sorted. One down, one started, and the third needing the troffin to be built first.

Crap, I've suddenly realised. I just lost another fight with Sophie, without even noticing it. Blasted girl!

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