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Ahh, Saturday already for you? Still Friday night here, so just winding down after a week of chaos and work. Contemplating what to do with the evening. Although its probably going to be more sculpting!

Ugh, I'll have to do shopping too tomorrow. If I want to eat this weekend that is.

How's the weather? Turned really hot and humid here today.

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I'd kill for a lovely cool breeze. And probably maim for even a vague hint of one!

Yeah, my personal time does seem fairly limited to sculpting at the moment, painting kit will probably arrive end of september and there's not much else going on in my life now I'm here! I'm going to get bobbed of it eventually, but until then I may as well take advantage of the lack of distractions.

Any plans for the rest of the weekend?

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Sure you will be ready to paint by the time the paints turn up :)

Got Fathers day tomorrow so will be off for Breakfast for that, my usual club is not on this week due to a conflict in bookings, so am off to another one to catch up with some other mates and finally play some English Civil War ....

Arn't you off hunting for a game shop this weekend?

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Hell, it's fathers day? No wait, british one was ages back. That was a fun moment of total panic!

ECW? That was the one that was all about the haircuts, right? The big flows locks vs the pudding bowl cuts? *grin* I'm so good at my own national history...

Yeah, I'm going to head out to it, see what the situation is, meet up with someone to say hi. Was thinking of going to casting supply place too, but not sure I want to trick out there to spend a lot of cash and then have to treck back with heavy bags. Not when I don't have that much to cast yet, only my brilliance markers are ready.

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Sounds about right, those dodgy scots! Mind you, neither side had any intention of being nice to them once it ended I imagine, we never did play fair with them! Really, What can you expect if you paint woad on yourselves?!

Kind of daft that all the complex political and religious differences boil down so easily to who does your hair...

---------- Post added at 01:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 AM ----------

We... may have had one or two scuffles. Nothing major,honest!

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Ha! I'll keep that in mind, lol.

Alright, time to see if I can get some writing done...almost done with this chapter...so close. So close.

Oh, Mako, wanted to thank you for settling a mental issue I was debating about keeping/dropping a character/nation perspective from the original draft. Between Drasvar, Assar, Victrix (showing up later) and the puppeteers, I have almost too many sides going on right now as it is. Hadn't really thought of it from that perspective of keeping track of everything.

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No problem Ed, Its something I've always seen in books and films, there's a threshold for different perspectives, and once you go over it people stop identifying with any of the sides as it gets too confusing. Sometimes works, but usually doesn't!

Course, once the battle's over, you can ditch some of the sides and start to bring others in. Otherwise you'd be stuck in that scene for ever!

Hmm, the quill. I think I've written four sentences...

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