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Hm. Might have to look into it. I have to admit, one of my favorite fantasy series (in the broader sense) is still the Darkblade novels. Granted, it loses some of the witty banter in the transition from comic to novel, but still...it was interesting to read something other than 'This is my version of LOTR!' or 'This is my version of Drizzt!'. Not that those are bad in and of themselves, the original Dragonlance trilogy was great...but still. Over time, the plot does get stale.

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I discovered it in high school with no frame of reference to compare to, honestly. Nowadays, I have my copies of the first trilogy for nostalgia more than anything else. I don't read fantasy much anymore, to be honest. Scifi has its own trope plotlines, but I've managed to find three different enough versions of the female naval officer that it's left me a little less jaded over the genre. (Honor, Vatta and Kris Longknife)

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I'd forgotten about the Kris Longknife books. I've only read the first one of those but really enjoyed it. Must read more.

I'm still not sure about the later Honor books as the scope was just getting too large for them. I think one of my favourites was the one with the duel that had hardly any fleet action. Much more character driven.

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Honestly, that's part of why the series split up some, although I have to say, much as I love her, there's not a whole lot more growth to put Honor through...unless you want to start turning her into a psychopath, or some other character type she really isn't. Frankly, that's one of the worries I'm having about my own novel, giving it enough scope without somehow miraculously putting my three mains (Soli, Arias and Faulkner) into every critical point of the story.

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Just be willing to have throw away characters or tell it from the bad guys perspective (if there are definite bad guys).

---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

Just be willing to have throw away characters or tell it from the bad guys perspective (if there are definite bad guys).

For the non-critical parts I mean.

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I'd say Isabella definitely classifies as a 'bad guy'! Honestly, I'm debating the merits of her showing up early to give hints to the meta-narrative of the story...could be an interesting idea. Regardless, at the end of the day, she's probably one of the favorite characters to hate of the novel so far, lol. Still not sure myself if she's a sociopath or sadist.

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True. Alright, I'm heading off the forum for a while. Might visit when I get home, but we'll see. Time to finish up work for the day! Already got the next scene started, so who knows, maybe we'll have a 'scene-a-day' week, haven't had one of those since last NaNo, lol.

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Morning all, how's things? I finally got some sleep, although I forgot to set my alarm so I'm pretty late for work! Oh well, it's a light day and I can still finish before 5 easily.

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ----------

How many 6mm projects do you have now?

well, technically it's only one project. But it does contain fiction, artwork, sculpting, painting, and everything else. It's actually kind of nice to has it go from nothing to complete entirely under my control, and of course when I get sick of one aspect there's plenty of others to do instead!

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Evening Ed, how's things?

I was debating going out to dance tonight, but it seems they're not having a class but are meeting at an ice cream place tonight to celebrate the end of summer. Not sure if wandering along and trying to meet them is useful or polite lol

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Might be fun, though. I'm getting ready to have coffee with a friend tonight, which should be fun. While I'm waiting for them to arrive, probably going to work a little more on writing...so close to the end of this chapter. So close! I can taste it...and Elle is getting really annoying doing her imitation of a pinball in the back of my head. :-P

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Heh, you really should chain her ankle to something so she can't run about too much. Coffee sounds good, I could do with one!

I reckon you're right, I can go along for a little while at least, see what kind of crowd they are. Apparently they may do a bit of sidewalk dancing, so I should be able to find them fairly easily! Although it does mean no sculpting tonight quite possibly

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Yeah, been a swing dancer for near two years now. It's pretty awesome, kind of a bit wild and uncontrolled but still has some rules and things. And I can't pretend the chance to manhandle large numbers of women is a bad thing either!

Went out tonight, discovered some really amazing ice cream, had a dance on the sidewalk and got told I had to come to the uni swing sessions because I was fun to dance with. So all in all, a good night!

Yo get much writing done before coffee?

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Not before coffee, no. I know the next scene (sorta) so I'm gonna get it done up tonight, and that'll be it for the first chapter of the thing. After that, debating on a couple directions I could take with things...either reveal my hand that a puppeteer exists, or hold that off for a while and build in the inconsistencies with perspective that I've had for a while. I like the idea of keeping the villains hidden, but the bond villain hint is appealing for its own reasons.

Honestly, swing dancing always did sound like fun. Wish I knew a non-college group around here that did it so that I could learn. Ah well, maybe someday.

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Ahh, to hint or not to hint, that is the question. I as hold off a little longer, but that's only because I love a good devastating turnaround!

Swing groups at universities are great, they're usually half full of grad students so they're not all 18 year olds, they all tend to be less obsessed with drinking than other students, and they're oh so pretty in many cases! (and now I shall stop bein a borderline chauvinist! Lol)

I've broken out the tools again and am back to sculpting. And I now have both honeybee and brass goggles in my head...

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Ha! I regret nothing! That's okay, I've had Ju Ju Magic and Automatonic Electronic Harmonics stuck in my head along with Brass Goggles...

I think I will hold off on the hinting. Now I just need to figure out who to work with and what I want to do with world building. The big idea I have in my head takes another scene, but I want to hold off on that one...although...actually, I don't have to do that...anyway, sounds like I've got a scene.

What's on the sculpting tonight?

---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------

Oh, and random statement:

Bobby McDarin!

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Heh, sounds like you've got a genius master plan there! Ah, I do love those two too. I think I may have to get both albums on iTunes, even though I can't stand the program and prefer to actually have the physical CDs! Unless I can find a huge cd store in Toronto that has unusual stuff.

I've been bulking out the marsupial, giving him hips and a tail. Might work on gremlins later if I'm not too tired. Ad from the looks of it, the press mould for one of the saddle types on my 6mm stuff has worked, which is good. Speeds up the process and keeps them consistent...

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