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Thanks. So what have folks been up to?

I got a bit more painting done last night. I'm painting all three Colette models at once so the colours hopefully match better. Downside is it gives the impression of not getting very much done.

Played a bit more Deus Ex and read some more. No exercise, very lazy last night.

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Hopefully it will be!

I'm thinking I won't be getting out of this chapter today, unless I get hit by a writing frenzy...got another scene almost done, but I'll need at least two short ones before I'm done. :-P Trying to pace things out correctly is going to kill me...

---------- Post added at 04:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 AM ----------

What's the book, Steam?

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Well, Blinding Knife is next month, so that's something to look forward to. I must say, I really liked the magic system in this one. Never could figure out exactly what was going on with that in Night Angel, especially when you got into the damned vir...

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You never read Night Angel? Huh. I will say, it was a great story, and he did a very good job with it. I just never really got a solid handle on some aspects of the magic. On the plus side, it taught me to make sure my hints at the process in my own setting are clear, so that I don't have to exposition it. I think I'm managing it better this time around, honestly.

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Thanks. *grin* I think my dialogue is finally starting to separate out from my prose! That, and I'm just enjoying writing Arias this time around. Rather than hiding him being a trickster, I'm playing on it, which is just making him fun. I always wondered what it would be like if Honor wasn't as professional...now I'm working on creating it!

Now I just need to figure out if I include Wintertide with a 'moment of glory' or reference it later and give him another one at some point in time.

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Hmm...I'll have to look for that. Hey, I meant to ask you, how'd you think the scene with Soli using magic turned out? It's the first 'in character' use, and I was trying to imply some of the rules of it, was curious if it got pulled off. That, and if the fight itself seemed realistic. (choreographing a fight on the back of a giant bird in the middle of a rainstorm... brilliant! what the hell was I thinking....)

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It didn't trigger any alarms so it will be interesting to see where it goes. Are there different side effects depending on the type of magic used. Does she tire quickly because she isn't that good at magic or doesn't use it enough to become efficient. It's good in that I want to find out more about it.

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Well, I'm certainly going to take that as a win, lol. I have answers to a couple of those, but hadn't considered others, so I'm going to have to come up with those answers and work on them. Thanks for putting them up. :) The problem with being an absorber instead of a critiquer (yes, it's not a word. details) is that I see what people do, and can even articulate it, but I rarely think about the 'why' of what happened. Makes for a great student, but can be problematic with transferring ideas around clearly.

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