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Wow, even a quiet day at work is hard when you didn't go to sleep last night...

Still, I may just sleep tonight. And I should be able to escape home soon to get some more putty poking done. Which is about the only thing keeping me awake!

Anyone got anything planned for the long weekend?

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Well, by the start of this weekend I plan to have gremlin progress, marsupial progress, 6mm progress, and some good thinking about your story done. Not in that order though...

And then I shall go find resins and other assorted goo, and perhaps cast some tokens. Oh, and go scare the people at the game place nearby too *grin*

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Heh, you wait til you see the poses they're in. I tried to keep the daft thing going full force throughout, from the string knotted to keep on the shin guards, to the oversize collars and hats theyll have, to what they're up to.

I'm a bit worried the marsupial is too big, but it's hard to gauge it because it's such an odd body structure.

---------- Post added at 02:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

Aargh, Ed you swine, my housemate gave me a right funny look when I ambled into the kitchen singing brass goggles... I can't get it out of my head!

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Gonna have to get the album and find a way to strip it to the pad, since i have no pc to do it with out here!

Also, in other news, I think marsupial is ready for his first bake. His face and head are almost sorted, but he needs his hat and ears doing separately.

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Oh, there's a lot of back and forth correcting, and the odd fight with autocorrect, but after a bit of practice I'm not much slower than I was on the pc

I dunno abut sleep, I'm pretty worn out, have stopped sculpting for the night I think so I'll just have to see how much peace I can get!

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Probably, lol.

---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

Alright, I've got an hour for lunch tonight, no homework due in the next 24 hours, and plenty of dead time with testing...let's see if we can get out of this scene. (cracks knuckles) Only question I need to decide on is if I bring Wintertide into things, or leave him a mysterious character for a little while.

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Besides, going face to face with the most disruptive and irresistible part of my brain? Can't imagine I'd win that one, and who knows what we'd get back when I finally slept!

I'm kind of impressed that I got anything opdone this evening, I thought I'd be a right state, but I don't feel too bad. Tired sure, but not horrendously so. Like you've been doing sports all day...

---------- Post added at 04:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 AM ----------

Can you find a clever we to almost bring him in, then snatch him away again?

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